The EE seminar was way too cool plus FUN! Audrey came to my house at 7am and woke me up=) I tot Steph will be the one who will come early and wake me upxP Sonia came 15 miuntes after Audrey=O AMAZING! The girl who alwayz say and don't do according to her words actually do exactly what she said yday, "I will come at 7 like that" This time Steph is the late one...she came around 7.50am and we were waiting and waiting for her=/
Reached SIT around 8am we sat at the third row from the front. The host was entertaining us with their lame-ness. The best part was when the "bling-bling" hostess criticise Convent at the LOA skul who think they are so grand..XD hahaha! Its TRUE! When they say lets hear from Convent and the Convent girls were all standing up and shout..terlalu melebih-lebih pulak! swt!
There's this man who thought us History using videos..he showed us about war between the Japanese and British and all those Communist stuffs we learn in f3. During lunch teh MGS'ians were crowing and eating together(Of cuz Audrey, Sonia and Steph were there with me) and we recall the time when I vomit water on Syafiqah n Ayuni last year=)*grin*
Camwhored with Steph, Sonia and Audrey. After the seminar Steph, Sonia, Audrey and I went KP together to SHOP! I hadda shop for my sis's birthday presi and I found a shop selling all her favourite stuff at a very cheap price..=))) And we went snoopinh around some shops selling cool tee(not original tho) and saw a lot of clothes which were suitable for girls like Steph(so la la mui and itz not my type!)
After Steph went back we shop for more stuff...went SINMA to buy myself some hairclips. Audrey bought the same one like mine(the butterfly ones) We shop further for more stuff...went to a gift shop and found nothing we we went to a shop "The Rubber Shop" and I thought they will sell cute cute erasers or stuffs made from rubber...and its true they sold cute cute rubbers and I dun know whats that..and I saw a box and I point to it asking Audrey
Me: Eh very cute la! Whats that?
*look closer*
Me: Oh!*blush, laughs* er...Audrey its condoms! *mumble* You idiot y didn't tell me its a condom shop!? Uh...I think we better go out now..
No wonder no one is in the bloody shop! I can't see any kids playing around also! ish! Audrey why din tell me! And I even ask her so loudy and say it out so loud "Eh sp cute la! Whats that!?" ISH ISH! Thank God Steph wasn't there! I'll be laughed at man! Sonia was like.."I will never enter thats shop ever again!" Audrey was like.."Wah! Wen Lynn so innocent ah? Dun no how condom looks like.."
Audrey : Ya lah! Its a chondom shop! You don know ah!? hahahaha! So innocent la u!
Went to another gift shop opposite it to find a nice box to put in my sis's birthday presi..found a really cute one..brought stuffs for myself and my close frenz..and I saw TORTOISES!!!!! *screams* *drool* I want them! Its so big..actually quite big(lyk my pillow size) and its so nice to hug it! I am gonna ask my friends and my bro to buy them for my birthday=p
Its Stella's birthday today and one thing reallly weird happens...Stella's friend said she saw her on9 loging in at and she's already dead. I miss her although I didn't really talk to her. We talk most of the time on the net but she's so quiet in tuition. I should have say a proper goodbye that time..I know you will be looking at Stella I dun no where are you now but I just wanna wish you Happy Birthday. Hope you are celebrating it somewhere and remember to wish me on my Birthday(dream on Wen Lynn)
Pictures of Stella..