It was an EXCITING game! It kept me wide awake and itz action packed=p Both teams played well...both teams have the best goalkeeper in the world. However Italy's goalkeeper is the best! He made some mistake at the first 7min and cause Zidane to score a goal..but HECK! Italy catch up with them a few minutes later. Italy was really good and I enjoy seeing them playing well...
The few highlights were funny...for instance when Zidane got red carded for being STUPID and RUDE! I bet my buddies(all the Zidane haters like me) will be so happy to see him got red carded=) Plus Henry got sub=ppp The penalty kicks was the best part=D France missed a goal and Italy score perfect 5 goals=D My bro and I were having fun laughing at France being beaten by Italy=p My bro and I have a wonderful time laughing and watching Zidane being red carded*grin* I'll NEVER forget this match. This is the first time I watched the finals last 4years I didn't really follow the match=) Suckz to France!
What makes me happy is this time itz a clean game. The refree play his part well nto because he gave Zidane the red card that makes me say good stuffs bout him>.<
I am really pissed with France when they were against Portugal. The refree cheated and I suspected there are some rasuah case over there...but heck! Italy won! hahahaha! Gonna celebrate later with my bro=p NOt going to school and I bet most of them won't be going too=) Poor Sayaka she hadda sneak to watch the finals..xP

This trophy belongs to ITALIA!!!!! They deserve it!
I can't seems to find the picture of Zidane for red carded..its the best scene in the match today. *yawn* Feeling sleepy now..wanna go to bedxP