In case you guyz are wondering whats with that contract between me and Kiki its actually a game created by us both just to control ourselves from swearing. Its our habit to swear on every single little thing. This thing occur in my mind qwhen we were both having our science lesson in the science lab and we were both super bored with her teaching so I suddenly come out with this idea and Kiki name the game, "The Biggest Swearer" after "The Biggest Looser" show.
The terms and condition were set by both me and Kiki and Kiki typed the contract out the day before we start the game. So far so good. Well I sign the contract around 9am which is after I come back from my KH lesson(my KH lesson and Kiki were split into two diff groups). Its so so hard to control myself from swearing and guess who is the first one who swear?
Right! You get it right! I am the bloody one who came out with this game(cuz I knew Kiki alwayz swear too!) BUT I am the one who swear first. It all happen like this
I take a ruler and hit Kiki's hand just to irritate her a little cuz I sat next to her to make sure she didn't swear and its not a good idea to sit next to her during the copetition cause she always seems to tempt me to swear. Then she thought I am trying to make her swear so she pinch me and I was like "DAMN!" thats one vulgarity coming out..the follow up by "SHIT" cuz Kiki said I said something which is against the rule and I swear another time cuz I couldn't help it! Well thats during math lesson! I managed to remain quiet later to prevent myself from swearing cuz at the end of the game the "Special Ones" who got the most lollies will be given something and I CAN'T LOOSE TO KIKI!!! Then I type out something with my calculator and this tempt Kiki to do something more with the word I type on my calculator
Kiki add
hahaha! That cost her one penalty and she stat muddling with the calculator later and type out a few more vulgarities I managed to catch her red handed so we were tie after that=) Two for me and two for her=pp
During recess...Brintha and I discussed bout the cute football players. Kaka was so cute lar! Brintha told me Kaka in Tamil is 'shit' in some foreign language=D and guess what? I've been talking bout Kaka the whole day in school and shouting his name out loud with Brintha and Jes without realising itz a bad word but heck who cares! Kiki don't know so it won't cost me any penalty! Psst! I even said a few bad words during duty. It just flow out like that before I could stop myself from doing that! Well my witness were not there to watch over me=)*grin* Brintha and I got bored with our duty so we started to play football with the bottle we found lying on the floor and Brintha kicked the bottle so high up that it land on Vinnie's underpart=X Now we know why the players alwayz cover their underpart when their opponent got free kicks=p
After recess its Morak lesson. This time both of my witness were there. Kiki don't trust me that much so she kept looking back at me to make sure I din't swear. As usual before Fauziah comes in we'll have our own gathering behind but this time its more peaceful without any vulgarities coming out from me la=X I try being cheeky to Kiki by flashing my middle finger to her and ask her "Hey Jo Lin! Is this consider as a bad word?!?"
Then she ma reply la! With such happiness she said "Hey! Thats a bad one! ONe penalty for you! hahaha!" And of cuz I try to deny it la tho I know flashing my middle finger to her in the mid of the game will cause me a penalty but still I wanna see hows her reactioN! I tried denying it by insisting that its just a finger a MIDDLE FINGER and IT MEAN NOTHING!!! Get it!? NOTHING!! Shes just so perjudice on what ever stuff I did today and she even get so ever DRAMATIC by saying that I am alwayz denying everything and twisting the bad to the good! I got another penalty for being cheeky=) haha! Still I am not happy with that! So I decided to flash another finger to her this time by covering it with my other hand and she tot I am flashing the middle finger to her again! Manatau when I open my other hand she damn pai seh cuz kena bomb by me! Joe and I were laughing like mad because of her reaction. Its so so farni to see her kena cha larh!
Then before going back to my class after MOral lesson Kiki said something to Joe and I lebih lebih go and cari pasal with her and it cost me another penalty=/ This means 4 for me two for Kiki..T______T The word that cost me another penalty is "ass..." itz suppose to be asshole but I stopped myself from continuing but its too late laT___T Well during Geo lesson Kiki sweared twice=)*grin* She started to scold idiot and damn when I ask her a dumb question=) wakkaka! Which means we were both tied! wakaka! urhm..then she ask me a ques=p She's actually bombing herself since she ask me sucvh a ques.."Is Wen Lynn dumb?" thats her ques. ANd I was like "Yay! I won! Dumb is a bad word! haha! 5 for you 4 for me!" Kiki deny it la as usual she began to twist the bad to the good like I did during moral but still she lost today! wakaka! I managed to collect 5 Lollies today while Kiki collected 4 lollies today=p
The game will be postponed o Friday since I am skipping school tomorrow!=D Its Hari Koperasi tomorrow for heaven sake and you expect me to go to school buat bodoh-ing behind doing my duty for 2 and the 1/2 hour!?? Plus we had HOURS of ceramah tml and I won't get the chance to blab with my group tomorrow since I have to do my bloody duty plus there's a prefects meeting tomorrow and I am so gonna get it from the Miss Perfect for not being DEDICATED in my duty! BOLEH BLAH!