Tuesday, August 01, 2006 / 6:25 PM
Well since I am free right now and I am feeling lazy to revise for my Science exam I suddenly remember about my group anniversary day. Today 1/1/06 is our MSN Girls 1st Anniversary(or Birthday) and its Friendship Day too=) Well the whole month is Friendship month and Friendship month is some sorta celebration in my formal class. I can't believe I actually forget about this precious day. I got so caught up with my exams and classes that the 1st of August is like other normal day for me=/

This is what happen during recess when I am pouring over some books during duty in front of the toilet=X Fancy taking care of the toilet eh?

Steph: Hey Wen Lynn! Happy Friendship Day!
Me : Huh? What Friendship Day?
Steph : Wah! Don't tell me you forgot that today the 1/1/06 is our first MSN girls Anniversary!
Me : Oh ya hor!*paiseh*

Too bad we don't have the time to celebrate our first anniversary together.=( But there is always next year to look forward to=p Below is some video clips Steph and I made a few months ago. This year there are lesser pictures but there will be more by the end of the year=)

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♥The Blogger♥

♥Wen Lynn
♥15th September 1991

♥My say♥

♥ Everyone is welcome here,
♥ Please leave if you don't like the content,
♥ Piece of advice is well accepted,
♥ But NO HARRASSING mind you!!
♥ My posts are my thoughts,
♥ Accept me for who I am^^

♥Your say♥

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♥ Loves God
♥ Loves reading,
♥ David Archuleta obsession!!
♥ I choose how I wanna live,
♥ I know myself and my interest,
♥ Always eager to learn,
♥ A feminist,
♥ Stubborn by nature,
♥ Defiant,
♥ Not good with speeches/words,
♥ Detest control freaks,
♥ Music as her best companion,
♥ Ice-creams makes me HAPPY!!!=D
♥ Reading is a therapy for me,
♥ A blogger since teenage

♥My Tweets♥

♥Believes In♥

♥ Existence of God
♥ She's her own judge
♥ She's her own worse enemy
♥ Individuality
♥ Acceptance
♥ Self Value
♥ Women's rights
♥ Children rights
♥ Her true self



--> PIGS!!!
--> Control freaks,
--> Ignorant selfish people,
--> Liars,
--> Trashes of society,
--> Pretenders,
--> People with no self value/dignity

♥ To reach out to people who are in need,
♥ To be a better person,
♥ To achieve my personal goals in life,
♥ People to care about the unfortunate,
♥ Acceptance among society,

♥Other Bloggers?♥

♥David Archuleta♥

♥Other sites♥

♥Blog Traffic♥


Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.