My mood was pretty good at first then some freaks came along and ruin my good mood! Urrgh!! Well to cure myself I wanna recall what happen in school today=p School was FUN!!! Tho there's a bitch who almost ruin it for me! No thanks to that female dog! As what I predict the Brasil match in the morning will be our first topic of the day and it is=D Brintha is there when I reached school and I began to pour out everything about the match to her. Looks like most of them miss that exciting match=p Audrey decided to watch the repeat but repeat shows ain't that nice anymore since you already know the result so there won't be any excitement left=D
Then I hadda rush to see that asshole just to ask for my duty! I am late as usual but heck who cares! Like I choose to be a prefect larh! I am forced to be and I hate being forced by some people so I'll do anything to make them angry with me=)*evil laugh* Asked Miss Perfect for my position and I don't fucking remember where am I suppose to stand for that fucking freaking duty! I just walk away from her after asking her where's my duty suppose to be to ask other people about the position like what I usually so when Ah Wei that female dog began to question me "You know where is your position or not?" Well I wanna ans her I don't fucking know my position and I'll ask other people bout it cuz I know you fucking not gonna tolerate all these Miss Perfect num 2! And guess what she ask me to do? "Write a report from position 1 to 5 and I want it on Mon!" And I was like HECK like I care!
I did my duty by buat bodoh-ing at the square area(all the position had weird names) Later we had the usual gathering. Well I say this thing out too loud cuz I am darn freaking PISSED!
Me: Well I don't care what dat ass say but I am gonna screw the report! Or maybe if I dun have the time I won't do let my mom figure out what to say to that bitch!=)
Mei Yi and the other prefect shush me and Ah Wei said.."I don't care if you wanna watch football or what but you better do my report!" Well wtf man! You think I got the fucking time to do such stoopid reports for you plus I am gonna stop watching football for a mo cuz I am bloody BUSY unlike you being so ever fucking dedicated to that batch like la you'll achieve something in it! Speaking of giving you guyz respect I have no respect for you dude! Whatever! I have my tournament this Sunday plus intensive courses the whole day tomorrow so don't expect that fucking report from me! I don't care if that freaking headprefect is gonna send me a SURAT AMARAN cuz I freaking don't care! Wanna fire me fire la! I don't care cuz its not my choice! I hadda be a prefect or teacher's dog for my mom's sake cuz she want people to look high on me! BAH!!!! I DON'T CARE!! If the teacher wanna meet my mom, let her! Cuz I fucking can't stand this crap anymore esp when people thought I am easy to be bullied! You do me once I'll do triple to you!
Urrgh! Not gonna think bout it anymore! I am on a strike on that fucking bloody batch! I seriouslt enjoyed myself in school today despite of being asked to write that fucking report and hand it to that bitch on Monday! Audrey and I go class by class and create chaos in it=p I love creating chaos in other people classes! My class were so darn bloody QUIET and I can't stand quietness=p Well Shobi and Steph were in a REAL BAD MOOD! Steph was really pissed because of God knows why is she pissed! There are a lot of shoutings in Shobi's class and that slutty Li Shia is LOL-ing all the time trying her best to attract other people's attention. Michelle was pretty serious with her duty(collecting passport size photos for the library card) Steph don wanna layan me, wne to 3D and cause more chaos in it and buzy swearing by using nice words since I can't use the swearing words. So instead of using "fuck" I use "fish" and instead of using "ass" I use "donkey" to replace the word=)
I seriously can't stop myself from swearing today and it cause me 11 penalty all together!T___________T I lost the game and hadda gave Kiki something! I kept using the word 'damn' cuz I freaking used to it and Kiki was so so ever fucking happy cuz I lost a lot to her! She din even swear a word today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!!??? KIKI DIDN'T SWEAR TODAY! Audrey is the first dalang to make me swear=/
Audrey : Eh look downstairs so many parents arrive di!
Me, Kiki, Serena, Audrey, Teressa and Kiki were lepaking outside 3E
Me : Eh Steph is your dad there yet?
Steph : narh!
Audrey : They come early to buat bodoh is zit?
Me : Ah ya! Dun care la! Let them buat bodoh oni!
And as usual that sharp and perjudice Kiki heard that...
Kiki : Ha! U swear! yay!!!!!! You swear! hahahaha!
Me : T___________T Oh.....ish!!!!!!
Well by 9.30am parents already flow into the school compound collecting their child's repost card. Teacher were busy sorting out the students report card and commenting bout the child to the poor parent=X So Kiki and I got bored and went out la..then I saw my ex-classmate! Urhm..she's actually not allowed to study in my school anymore due to some reason(dun bother asking me cuz its my secret) I guess I told Kiki bout it so shez vr understanding bout it tho. She din't blab anything about the case to anyone yet=) Thanks dude! I din really notice her till she call me=) And I was so so happy to see her back to MGS again! I mean I really regret for not being observant and cause her to do something really bad. Oh well since shez back I wanna use this chance God gave me to replace something=p
My parents came around 10am=p Her turn came after I swear for a few times without realising it. Well I got good comment from my class teacher. Ok the usual comment my teacher alwayz start with:
Pn Nuriah : Anak puan sangat bising dalam kelas tetapi keputusan dia baik.
Me : Uh oh.... "I am in for it"
I thought after she commented about my noise in the class she will say I am a rebel like what Cik Faridah used to say to my mom=/ Buthen praises began to flow from her mouth=))) ahahahah! I still wonder how she get to know I am noisy in the class since she only tought me KH and I seldom talk during KH lesson=/ Ah wadever la! Teacher have their ways to find out about their students behaviour in the class. Checked my adab book to see if there are any good changes in it. And I gt pretty good points from the teachers who tought me this year. There are more points for my attitude during lesson and I even got full marks for some of them=)
Got the usual nagging from my mom after she collect my report card and I simply nod my head after everything she sayxP And there's a comment about I always smile no matter what happen=) At least its better than Audrey's one..her teacher told her mom that she laugh too much! wakaka! Plus her teacher commented about how playful she is in the class. I am not surprise cuz she is super childish and darn playful! Haven hear anything from Steph yet tho...will catch up with her during tuition later=p
Dad agreed to buy me a new radio since my old one conditon is already like crap=) I can borrow my bro's Mp3 whenever I want to cuz my mom do wanna buy another 2 mp3=p