Shy and quiet people?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 / 8:50 PM

Have you guys ever came across people who hardly smile?
Like they doesn't laugh or smile much. Usually appear to be quite and shy..
Forcing them to speak its like forcing a wall to speak to you..

Well I do,
And I guess most of you do have friends who are like that..
I'm not trying to say that my friends are all quiet and shy,
Mind you, they are a bunch of noise makers!!!
But I do have friends..
Like a couple of them,

Who doesn't smile much for they usually tend to be all serious and always seemed to be stuck in their thoughts..

They hardly speak but they listen to what you have to say most of the time..
In a way, I find it good..
Another, I find it quite frustrating since you'll be the only one talking and you'll be thinking if you are doing the right thing blabbering away and your friend listening beside you

I don't mind really..
I don't mind having my good friend being super shy and quiet..
And seemed to have a neutral emotion all the time..
You know those people who usually have the same expression on their face..
Like when they are happy, they face wouldn't light up and stuff..
And for you to see them smiling or laughing is just...

Don't get me wrong,
I like my friends to be loud, cheerful and talkative..
You can't expect a chatterbox not to like loud, cheerful and talkative people!!!

Its just,
I like being the one who manage to get the quiet and shy ones outta their shell..
It satisfies to see their neutral face with an expression on it..
And the hearty laugh of them when they suddenly bursted out laughing,
It might be hard to get these kind of people laughing but its not impossible=)
It makes everything seemed cheerful than how it was when you get to see them smiling^^

You may wonder what is up with me coming up with this random post about shy and quiet people. Cause I just watched a video of Andrew Johnston performing in Britain's Got Talent(his finals performance) and I find it nice to see him not having that tensed and frightened expression of him for a change. I've watched a few of his performance and his auditions in Britain's Got Talent and I've seen how he changed through the process of the competition.

I don't really know how to describe the feeling of looking at his change..
That new confidence and that laughter..
I mean,
If you have a friend who hardly laugh..
And when he/she gave out a hearty laugh..
It feels damn nice listening to their laughter..
Though it may not be as loud as yours(for those who has a laugh like mine!xP)
But its still so nice to have them laughing for a change..

I like shy and quiet people..
Don't you?
Yes, I hadda admit that I find myself getting frustrated talking to them at times..Xp
And yet, I find them being the best companion of mine..
At times, I just wonder why can't I be like them..

Take Davy for instance..
Gawd!! She used to bury herself in books!!!
Super shy and I hardly see her laugh when I first know her..
Maybe its just me who didn't get around knowing her that time..
But I certainly see changes in her as I began to know her..

I miss Davy!>.<
Like how I can't forget Shia despite of my tight schedule..
I usually have her in mind..
Just didn't get myself to text her since she always has no credit!xP
Plus, she's a Digi user so it'll cost me more to text her..
Yes, I am a cheapo when comes to that can!?<br>

I'm actually half way through my journal..
Got super sick of writing too much in it..
Its due this Friday and I have tomorrow to finish them off..
We had "full dress" rehearsal for our play today..
My group's real evaluation for our play is on Friday..
And I think, we did fine during our "full dress" rehearsal..
Only thing is, Chen hadda remember his lines..
If he screw up his lines,
We'll be screwed!
Our marks is in his hands..he can screw our grades or even help us with it..
Please let him remember his lines!!>.<
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