Weekends already?
Saturday, May 09, 2009 / 10:37 PM
What a week!!!
I still can't believe its Saturday already..
Time flies this week with me having endless list of things to do,
I am currently working on my assignment,
And decided to give my brain a rest before I start googling for more information.

I must say,
I think I spend most of my time in college this week..
Well, I DO spend most of my time in college actually,
But I usually will be back home by 5pm..
Though my class ends at 1pm everyday,
At times when I hadda get things done,
I have no choice but to stay back to get them done,

And this week are one of those weeks where I hadda stay back after class ended to complete a few tasks before I get to head home. I actually got back home around 10pm the other day since I stayed back with my group mates to prepare things for my play which is due next Thursday.

Jagdeep and Jagpreet(damn! I don't know if I got their name spelt correctly)
One thing about me is I don't bother to study people faces,
One glance and I'll look away, since I hate to stare!
Anyway, it is rude to stare!
So, the other day(Thursday) I was getting my tasks done in the garden..

I seemed to spend most of my lunch hour in the garden with my group mates as the garden in my campus is the best place for us to practice our play. Eventually, my classmates choose that spot to have their play practice too.

On Thursday, most of my classmates gathered with the groups in the garden after class help each other with their play. And that is when I began to notice those two twins. Usually, there'll be a simple greeting exchange between us whenever I passed by them in campus. Although they are both from my Chemistry and English class, but I never seemed to differentiate between those two. To be honest, after that day I still ask them the same question, "Who is the asshole?"


Well, I call one of those twins an asshole, since he's the talkative one and the other, uh.. he is talkative too but not as talkative as the other one. The less talkative one sit behind me during Chemistry lesson and we usually have our usual arguement about which football team play better football.

I finally managed to remember Guan Chen's name!xP
I kept forgetting his name despite of him being in my group for a month now!!
And him being my classmate for don't know how many months now..XD

I miss having lunch with my lunch mates,
I think I didn't get to have lunch with them this week..
I can't really remember much from what I do this week,
Except for the part where my Maths class was cancelled for three whole days!=P
And not being able to drag myself outta bed...
Sleeping in the class for the first 45 minutes..

Emily too was caught up with her assignments..
Its been quite sometime since we catch up with each other..
Throughout this week, she too didn't join the group for lunch.

I can't say I have a very exciting week..
Perhaps it is in some ways
(having to catch up with my endless tasks..so very exciting can!?)
I am still not satisfy with the amount I do this week..
I can't say its not a productive week,
But something is missing and I don't know what it is!

Till then..

♥The Blogger♥

♥Wen Lynn
♥15th September 1991

♥My say♥

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♥ David Archuleta obsession!!
♥ I choose how I wanna live,
♥ I know myself and my interest,
♥ Always eager to learn,
♥ A feminist,
♥ Stubborn by nature,
♥ Defiant,
♥ Not good with speeches/words,
♥ Detest control freaks,
♥ Music as her best companion,
♥ Ice-creams makes me HAPPY!!!=D
♥ Reading is a therapy for me,
♥ A blogger since teenage

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♥ Existence of God
♥ She's her own judge
♥ She's her own worse enemy
♥ Individuality
♥ Acceptance
♥ Self Value
♥ Women's rights
♥ Children rights
♥ Her true self



--> PIGS!!!
--> Control freaks,
--> Ignorant selfish people,
--> Liars,
--> Trashes of society,
--> Pretenders,
--> People with no self value/dignity

♥ To reach out to people who are in need,
♥ To be a better person,
♥ To achieve my personal goals in life,
♥ People to care about the unfortunate,
♥ Acceptance among society,

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Inspiration / Martha Stewart.