I am back from camp!=)
Phew!!!! After 3 days of tough training in the camp I am finally back home!=)Camp was FUN but super TIRING!! We had to face all kinds of things. From the sun to the rain=__= But that wasn't the tough part. I'll come to the tough part later. This post is mainly about after camp, how I feel about the camp and what condition am I in now.
I reached Klang around 4.30pm yesterday. I am in a wet and super exhausted condition yesterday but I can still walk mind you. My body ache all over but its nothing compare to what I have to go through in the camp.
I missed...
>>My bedroom when I was away
>>My pillows and Kuma-Kuma
>>My buddies who were left behind in Klang(those non-prefects)
>>The computer
>>American Idol(I missed another day of American Idol!!!),
>>My sibling(though they can be a lil annoying at times)
>>My doggie
>>My parents(durh! No matter how much naggings they gave me but HECK I do miss them)
>>My cell phone(I had to use my dad's line instead of mine during the camp)
>>HOME FOOD!!!!!
>>Having a proper shower in a proper bathroom=)
Yesterday after having a proper dinner when I reached home I went straight to my bedroom. I missed Kausi's class cause I can't bring my mind to think properly anoymore after that. All I can think of is my bed!xD
I came back with bruises all over me. When I pull down my panties there are a few bruises somewhere there too(not that part or my butt!),my legs have patches of bruises here and there too, my muscles ache like nobody's business but its not as bad as my rashes! Gawd!!! I used to have REALLY bad rashes last time but that time my rashes itch like crap! For now its BLOODY PAINFUL!!! Its all over my hands...both of them if you guys are wondering. And a few on my legs here and there and my chest and also my tummy..Its hurts like crazy yesterday when I had to walk under the rain and when I had to go through the obastacles activities where I had to crawl on the MUD and dip myself in the chilling freezing cold water in the waterfall and shout out LOUD. And imagine carrying my luggages while walking with the rashes under the rain where you have to rub your rashes on your tee while walking...its excruciating painful!! And I had to sit with my drenched outfit after walking in the rain in the bus for 2 hoursplus since we are stuck in the traffic jam. The journey back home took us so long to reach Klang. I was FREEZING in the bus almost shivering cause the bus was so cold with the air-cold and my wet attire.
I reached home yesterday and the first thing I did was taking my SHOWER!! I must be MAD not to rush to the toilet and take my shower cause I did not take myshower on Thursday and also before I came back home. Not that I don't wanna take my shower but there's a few reasons that deprived me from having my shower. I took a hot bath ignoring the pain of my rashes and wash my body and hair thoroughly. I washed my hair twice since its all sticky and oily and I bet it smells after not washing it with shampoo for 2 days solid!!!
And my body???
I washed it with mint dettol instead of the normal Johnson baby wash I usually wash my body with to KILL ALL THE FRIGGING bacteria. I felt soooooo good when I finally finished washing myself=p
I slept super early last night and I did not wake up in the middle of the night like I usually do whenever I sleep early. Mom woke me up the next morning which is today around 9.30am since I had replacement class this morning. Funny..I slept for 12 hours but I still am sleepy and tired when I woke up this morning. Even Pn.Rashida noticed that I am tired>.< style="color: rgb(204, 0, 0); font-style: italic;">had a bad cold today and its not surprising.I thank God for taking care of me during the camp. I almost fell and fall but God held me close to Him, I almost fell sick on the second day but I didn't*grin* , I discovered that I had rashes after some activities in the field on the second day and it hurts but I managed to ignore the pain, and a lot of factors that contribute to my gratitude towards God after going through LOADS of exciting, action packed , tough, exhausting, amazing, fun and memorable moment in the camp. After what I've been through, I began to realise how much comfortable home canbe and how pampered I am back home.Taking my shower this morning was heaven for me.
**Usually I had to drag myself to the shower(a habit that I learned from someone I knew) but I do it willing it today and well, yesterday too
**Usually I complain about the food at home(I am super fussy when comes to food) but I ate whatever my dad bought for me this morning though I did complained about the black sauce but still I ate it with0ut complaining further!xP
Its an exciting experience I just went through and I will go into details bout my camp later. There are loads to do here and classes to be replaced after I'd missed a few of them.
What I've learnt from the camp?
--> To adjust myself in whatever environment I am in
--> The usual thing which is how important punctuality is(damn! I don't wanna sound like Mr Anthony*fellow interactors will know who he is* )
--> Being a leader isn't easy, its not the matter of ordering people to do things for you but you had to make A LOT of sacrifices,
--> To be grateful with what I have at home..
and as usual...I learnt to be stronger when I face obstacles in life^^

More photographs will be posted here later...but you guys have to be patient=)
Till then...^^