Urrgh!!! Its the weekends and I had to wake up like the usual schooling days. I didn't get to sleep properly for the past few days. Its been a HORRBILE week indeed. Anways, no thanks to Davy who told me we had to go to school today like the normal schooling hours. I had to wake up before my sister to get ready cause its no use waking her up before me. I couldn't open my eyes this morning and I had to drag myself to the toilet to get myself ready. When I reached school the school is kinda empty and there's when I realised our activities will start at 8am. Davy came around 7.30am! She asked me to come like the normal school hour and there she goes taking her sweet time coming to school. Pfft!!!
Its been a tiring day for me. Played basketball against Yellow house and Red house besides running around and snap some photographs of the activities held in my school. Club meetings were canceled and the girls are asked to do whatever crap they wanted to do in school=___= Whats the use of going on school then!? Isk!! If its not because of Teressa who was finding players for that fuck basketball match and my photography duties I'll go to school when my meeting starts. I got fed up of taking photographs so I just leave the job to the other photographers available. Davy had her secretary meeting with Pn Azimah and Interact Club has their members meeting. We were in my ex classroom and there's a pang of nostalgia when I stepped into the classroom. I wish I can turn back time..sighs!
Mr Anthony dropped me back home today after our board of directors meeting. I managed to take my nap till dinner time and resume to my regular routine. I am going off for my prefectorial board camp next Wednesday and I gotta do whatever I gotta do before the camp. We had our Chemistry test in Premala's class the other day. I really hope she will not text us and ask us to sit for another exam next Tuesday. She told us if anyone of us got lower than 60% out of the 30 marks questions given we'll have to sit for another test! 30 frigging marks!!!
I am waiting for my dad to finish watching his movie before I can watch my movie. Dad bought 10 movies(pirated) last week and I have not touch any of them till today. Gonna watch 27 Dresses later^^
I found out ice-creams are the best food to indulge myself in when I am upset or whenever I am feeling stressful. I am gonna miss ICC meeting for the first time tomorrow. If Pn Renuka text me and cancel off the class then I'll be able to make it for the meeting=)
Ahhhh!! What a good way to pass my time while waiting for my dad to finish watching his show. Its my turn to watch mine!!=D