When we were cleaning up the Bilik KH Shobz and a few of us was doing the washing up behind the Bengkel KH. Shobz stepped on a lizard and well, it died DURH! She even told us she can hear the bones of the lizard cracked...I took pictures of the lizard lungs jutting out from its body after being flattened by Shobz!xD

Look at the lizard's lungs! Way cool!!

Shobz...the murderer!!!xD
There's this scene where Shobz was trying to tell Sarlini about the bubbles forming when Sarlini was washing the cloth...Sarlini taught it was some roaches coming our from the hole she started screaming!*sweat*
After doing all the rough work in the Bengkel KH which is around 4.00pm we did our interact cheer before going for lunch. We did make LOADS of noise during cleaning up and got scolded by Ninja Turtle...hahaha!xP The afternoon session girls were having exams and there we are shouting and laughing so loudly when we were cleaning up the Bengkel KH.*laughs* Later, Natasha, Davy, Sarlini, Jaskiran, Bran, Zan and I went KD for our lunch. Well we waited for Bran and Zan before we walked to KD. We waited and waited but they didn't turned out. We thought the two monkeys were in the toilet...mana tau when we were walking to KD we sawthem waving at us! Grrr! Sarlini told us to act like we don't know them. So we were like ignoring them when they asked us to sit with them! But we ended up combining tables la...xD
Bran ordered some extra pedas nasi goreng...and I ordered for teh ais and guess what they served me? Teh ais halia! I was like WTH man! I ordered for TEH AIS!! Sheesh! Buthen I just drink only since I'm super thirsty! And I ordered roti telur BAWANG. They served me roti teluk plak!*geram* Since I'm soooooo hungry after the rough work in the Bengkel KH I just ate what they serve only. Well as usual la we tease each other when we were having our lunch. Natasha went back and Zanoah went back after Natasha. So left Davy, Bran, Me, Sarl and Jas eating and chatting at KD. And boy!!!! We laughed and laughed sooo much and tears were forming from our eyes. And we were so bloody bloated after our lunch.
We joke and laughed like nobody's buisness...something happened half way. Not gonna mention what happened here its our secret with Bran*winks* right guys?xP Neways, Bran was the only sesated ones in the group. Jas, Davy, Sarli and I are the 4 Pintarians and Bran was the only one from Sukses class. So this is what we told her
Me : Ey you guys realised or not? Bran always sesat in the gang wan!
Jas : Ya la..people all from 4P she pulak from 4S
Sarl : Memang! Everyone wanted to join 4P cuz I'm from the class what!*bangga*
Me, Davy and Jas : Yeah right! In the count of three we spit on her...1,2,3 TUI!
Me : Ah nevermind la! She become our class substitute=p
After lunch Sarl wanted to buy ice cream since she didn't have ice cream from 3 weeks ready!xP Bran, Davy and I bought the sucky ice cream...Sarl sesat bought that stick one. I can't remember who asked us why but that lousy stick ice cream Bran piped out, to practise for the future. The way she suck damn OBSENE larh! I didn't get it at first then Davy got that dirty idea of Bran and she bursted out laughing...Jas got it later and I was like damn blur! I finally found out what it meant...sucking as practise for the future. Davy told me its practise on how to kiss in the future...KNS!!!=.=|| SWEAT!!!! Dumb Bran damn corrupted!
I don't know what every word I use must have shit behind it...for instance I told Sarl and the others that its so weird last year I don't even bother to talk to them when we were classmates and look at now! We are so close like SHIT...the Sarl, Jas and Bran started laughing and laughing non stop...Davy too laughed till her face looked so red then she vomited due to excess laughter! LOL! I stopped laughing when I saw her throwing out I tried telling Bran to stop joking and Sarlini was still joking and laughing away with Jas...hahahaha!
Sarlini continue listing out the shits in her dictionary and I was laughing hopelessly trying to stop them then when they finally stopped laughing I told Davy threw out due to excess laughter. Sarlini didn't believe me at first she even asked, "Ey really ah you vomitted?" Bran and I who sat in front of Davy was like YEA LARH!! That didn't stop us from joking and laughing. We continue laughing and laughing. Then Bran's started to play with the chilli sauce, Sarlini too played with the sauce. I told them not to waste food but I ended up playing with the sauce too. We didn't wanna leave the place till I did something. When I pressed the sauce hard, the sause bottle cover dropped out and land into my glass of teh halia.
Me : Whoops! Uh oh....
Jas :*laughs* What the!?
Bran : Come lets cabut
Because of my ganas-nes of pressing the sauce bottle so hard that the cover came out and the sauce went spilling into my glass of leftover teh halia we decided to cabut and act like we are innocent! Meeting some of them tomorrow for FUTSAL!! Hopefully mom allow me to go for movies with Ash tomorrow...she suddenly don't wanna let me go for movies! SHEESH! After saying yes when I ask her yesterday today she act like I didn't ask her! GRRRR!

Nasi goreng extra pedas...should see Nat's style of EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA TERLEBIH PEDAS nasi goreng! Its RED HOT!XD

Bran eating her extra pedas nasi goreng

I know its disgusting but I still wanna post it..xP Due to excess laughter we can throw out..so do not laugh too much after eating! LMAO!