Three days left and 9 papers left for me to sit for to end my finals! Wanted to go for a movie today with my bro but mom don't let me go out till we finish out finals which is this coming Wednesday! Got sick of books plus the papers I'm gonna sit for mostly will be paper 1 so if I can't answer any of those questions I can goreng anything for an answer!=) Bro and sis are busy revising for their finals too so I'm alone without much things to do since I didn't wanna revise. Nothing to watch on tv, can't go for a movie, phone credit running real low, bro revising and I end up camwhoring. In short SS la! Self shiok in my 'rents room with my camera. Found out I can go loads of stupid silly things with my mom's mirror in her room! Ekekek! 
Gasp! Here comes the camwhorer!!

When I met my twin...

I stare at her...and smiled=)

Then I grew suspicious!=.=

And turn around my backs and wonder..if I'm actually hallucinating!xP

Thinking real hard...

Then I realised...I'm not hallucinating! Since I ain't mad! Lol!

I turn around...and look at ma twin again...she smiled...and I smiled..

I did some funny faces...

Ma twin copied what I did...

I realised its fun having a twin like that!^^ To self shiok with you!xP

I did a cheeky look...and my twin did the same thing

I thought she is trying to be funny and I got mad at ma twin...

Then I realised I shouldn't...

So we are back being our normal selves...

Having a twin like me...


Or rather...freaky?


Double me...means DOUBLE TROUBLE!!

Me, Wen Lynn aka Stitchy-Itchy is the ultimate CAMWHORER when I'm bored!
Signing off...