Kok Yen's computer is finally back to normal! LOL!!! Expect her blog to be updated by today! Heee! Neways, 2 papers down, 3 left!!!! Woooo hoooo! Counted wrongly actually I think the previous post I put it 7 papers left instead of 6. Or was it 6? Ahhhhh!! WHATEVER!!! As long as I finish my finals I can breath in peace!xPSat for Chemistry 3 paper and Add Math paper 1 today. Jia Hui kor kor saved my life again!!!! Thanks to her I read the electroplating thingy. Everyone thought the experiment we last did during our Chemistry lesson on some bloody metal displacement thingy will be tested. While some said the titration will be tested. I somehow concentrate more on metal displacement since I was confident that will be tested. However, Jia Hui saved my life by asking me to go through the electroplating 5 minutes before I saw for my Chemistry paper 3! Foon Yoong, my big bro too asked me to go through. So I was like what the heck right!? Just go through and remember the materials and apparatus if its tested then I can answer since I read that experiment before this. And when we got our papers, whoa! I am gawdamn dead LUCKY wei! The experiment on electroplating actually came out!Thanks LOADS kor! I owe you another one! Before this she told me she got the feeling that the manometer thingy will be tested in our Physics paper 3 and well, IT DID!!!! Lmao! Will chia you after our finals when we go out kai kai kay?xD Neways, I wasted a lot of papers just to write a neat report for my Chemistry paper 3 to hand in. As usual I am the one who kept requesting for papers...within 15 minutes you can see my hands flying on the air demanding for papers!>.<>
My origami
Big bro's(Foon Yoong) origami)
My paper bird damn cacated larh! I showed Big bro and she told me I got no skills in origami!>=( Hrrmph! Been listening to this same bloody song over and over again for the past 30 minutes!(Somebody to Love by DBSK) Guess I'll change to other songs now..getting sick of this song!
Currently listening to Jojo Beautiful Girls reply! LOL! My classmates lurve this song!
Well, there's Accounts paper 1 to sit for tomorrow which I'm so gonna shoot all through the questions being asked. Don't bother revising Accounts now. I know I'm gonna fail with dull colour anyway and if I fail my Accounts mom can't ask me to take Accounts next year! Hah! There's Biology paper 1 and 3 to sit for and the I'm FREE!!!!! Wooooo hoooo!
And of course there are plans on how to celebrate our merdekaness tomorrow! First off, I have Interact meeting and drama meeting at the same time! Probably going for Interact meeting first. As for drama meeting, I solemnly hope our drama teacher will not ask us to pratice drama for our performance tomorrow! If there's drama practice that means I can't join the peeps at mamak to celebrate our merdekaness.=( Sighs! Neway Nat, Sonia and Shobi are also in Drama so we might not have drama practise tomorrow since those three peeps are also in the Interact club and we have to clean the library for October's activity. There's still more to come but gee! I guess we have A LOT OF PLANNING to do after our finals!
Neways for those who will be struggling to finish the last few papers tomorrow, ~~~~~~GAMBATEHHHH!!!~~~~~