Sunday, October 07, 2007 / 11:20 PM
Sighs! Shouldn't have take a short nap this noon after coming home from the meeting. Don't think I will be able to sleep later till around 3am? Ah!! Bother! I can sleep after finish doing EST tomorrow or History. Sayaka asked me to view some food blog and well, I thought it was a blog for all kinds of alcohol. But since she insisted its a food blog and she was drooling when she's reading it well...I just scrool down and take a peek at the posts below. I saw scrumptious yummy mouth watering food! I didn't wanna scroll down further as I'm not trying to make myself hungry by doing so! After all its already kinda late and I can't eat anything before going to bed!35 minutes left for that FAKEREREST birthday! Wonder if she'll be awake by 12am so I can wish her. Or I'll greet her with my warmest bite tomorrow morning when I meet her in school! The reason I'm blogging this frequently now its because I got nothing much to do! Those papers I'm suppose to worry for already sat for last week and this week left those paper 1 to sit for. And of course Biology 1 and 3 this Wednesday. That can wait. Bet Davy will be talking about badminton tomorrow! There's a badminton match this noon. Too bad I was spending my whole afternoon sleeping.xD Still deciding where to overnight this coming Wednesday. If I overnight at my aunt's house nobody is gonna fetch me to Sonia's house for futsal the next day. But I can shop if I overnight at my aunt's house and my cousin bro can drive me to Pyramid to watch a couple of movies and shop there!=) Hrm...but if I overnight at Sonia's house we could play all night or perhaps steal some alcoholic drinks from her dad's cupboard! LMAO!!!
Since I can't sleep now I think I'll annoy my brother!*evil laugh*
Goodie night people...