Sunday, October 07, 2007 / 12:59 AM
Stooopid idotic computer!! Just when I'm half way through downloading some songs on the net and typing half way through some reports for tomorrow I have to restart my computer! SHEESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which means I have to redownload everything and retype the whole reports all over again!!!!!!!!!!! I don't mind those reports since it can be done withing a few minutes but the songs!!! Grrrrrr!! Asked dad to take this dumb computer for repair since, last month? Urrgh!!!!!! Bloody f****** computer!!! Neway, I'm done with those reports just have to print them out later. And I'm soooooo glad someone isn't joining us for futsal after our exams! Lalala! Davy supposed to cycle to my house this afternoon to get somethings done using my computer. Since its raining she couldn't cycle to my place. That explains why am I doing the reports now. I'm helping her to type out some reports and print it out for our meeting tomorrow.^^
If not for Davy I'll think today is our meeting! SWT-ness...she woke me up by miss calling me early in the morning! Sheesh! Its around 8am when I'm in the midst of some dream and I really thought that phone call exist in the dream! SWT|| I thought she's waking me up for the meeting cause when I woke up I thought I'm late for the meeting or something!Xp Then when I read her message only I realised today is Saturday and meeting is tomorrow! Hahahaha! I was like, "OMG! Please tell me this ain't true that I'm late for the meeting." Davy saved my day through that bloody message and hit some sense into my brains!xP
Oh yeahhhh!!!!! Finished downloading the songs I wanted! Wooo hoo!!! Time to do some serious work before going to bed!
Goodie night people!
Signing off...