Wondering what am I up to eh? The World Cup has just begun and I am supporting Brazil as usual! Although I think England got the chance to win this year! Watched German against some crappy country. I am kinda urhm..can say attracted to the HUGE flag which stated "No Racist" cuz God know I am a half racist! ahahah! German won by 4-2 which I am so so happy bout it cuz I hate the players in the other country which is full with black people! There's this player num 8(can't remember his name tho) who scored for the country which were against dem and I was like wad da!? Why so careless wan him!? Buthen he scored again for his own team later! Woo hoo!
And there is another shorty(dun no player num wad) so if u guyz had watch da match itz da first person who scored! He ah damn fast wei! Got da ball di den kick into da goal! Its super fast la! Niway..I am looking foward for the Brazil match against Japan=)
Had been camwhoring with Steph a few days ago and we took more than 60 pictures together..only me and her=) We got carried away camwhoring together and there are the result..

I know its not the right way to start it..but I LOVE THIS PIC!


lets rawk on!

this is what I call it PASSION!

Steph :*wadever look* Me : *anything look*
Still got a lot more to go...lz to put it up la! I've create a slideshow for it=) Check us out there will be more coming up soon!=)