My darling doggie is turning 3 today!!
DOB--->23 August 2005
Name stated in his birth certificate---> Bird of Paradise(awful name I know)
Name given by his owner--> Vicky
Why is the name given :: The owner doesn't have better name to give it so she name it after some dude she had a crush on(kidding). Seriously, the owner herself doesn't know why did she give her darling that name.
Nick name given by owner : Pookie or Cookie
Weird habits of my darling Cookie includes eating tissue papers whenever dad took him out for his daily stroll, sitting in the middle of the newspaper whenever his owner is reading the paper, going berserk whenever there's strangers outside, enjoys bullying HUGE dogs and last but not least, barking at the vacuum cleaner=__="
He enjoys stealing food from the table, going for his daily stroll with dad, sitting in the car(darn! That dumb dog gets super excited when he is in the car!), intimidate my friends whenever they come over my place, sleeping whenever he has nothing to do, biting soft toys that lies around the floor(thanks to my sis he has the habit of chewing soft toys) and He SIMPLY LURVES my mom's butter cake!
He hates sleeping in a room without the air conditioner on, hates being ignored, hatespeople touching its food(he thinks we wanted to finish off his food for him whenever we touch his food)
He understands mandarin, a lil bit of hokkien(mainly vulgar hokkien) and English..
Was presented to his owner which is obviously the one who is typing this out in the year 2005 since his owner managed to be good through out the year=p
The one who feed it frequently : My dad
The one who bathe it : My dad
The one who take him for his hair cut : My dad
The one who plays with it : My dad
The one who annoys it : All of us!=)

The one who bullies it..=) None other than my bro...xP
He lurves cakes...
Whenever he sees food on the table..that's what he'll do
Happy Birthday Darling Vicky..
I mean Pookie aka Cookie=)