Sunday, October 14, 2007 / 11:39 PM
Bought myself a top and a mini skirt today=D I thought Steph bought the jeans mini skirt the other day but I just found out we bought the same skirt=) Hehe! We already started planning what to wear on the first day of the departure. After so long I finally had time to talk for hours on the phone with her. Its like those days when she'll called and we started chatting till we loose track of the time. Staying up again today just to watch rugby match! Heeee! My first time watch world cup rugby match. Didn't get to watch the first few matches where New Zealand and Aussie were still in the game. Sighs! But the two teams were out ready..=( Supporting South Africa now!^^ I still owe most of them birthday presents! Li Shia's birthday is just around the corner and Ally Wally's birthday too! I haven't get anything for those two yet>.< later="p
Soon it'll be my first time wearing a skirt in my teenage=) Just wanna change from shorts and jeans to skirts now... Yes, I've finally turning into a girl! Blekz! That's a message to those who thought I'm too boisterious! Prooving if to that particular group of people that I'm a girl with a "girly" character! Yea right! That's what someone will tell me after reading this..that, I can bet on it*winks*~~~~Stitchy-Itchy~~~~