I baked something with my bro the other day. So if you guys wanna know how is the baking going on, go to my bro's blog. But I'm helping him to reveal those silly idiotic stuffs he did when we were baking the other day in this posts. Not forgetting revealing some other stuff which I find it facinating..xP
The lil baby is Teressa...cute right? She's still cute now..ahem! In case somebody read this please don't get offended, I'm complimenting you=p

Yes, wizard me..=)

Look like galaxy eh?

Sitting in the car can be DAMN boring at times...so I ramdomly took some photographs and well, I think its a nice one=D

Promoting Darlie toothpaste! By the way, its not blood stains on his teeth, its actually dark chocolate*giggles*

Ok...he usually does that so no big deal and yeah! He can be super disgusting at times! But without him I'll be bored to death at home!

My bro and I fooling around at the toy department..
Went to Carefour to grab some snacks for our trip next week. Got followed by a group of suspicious men which is probably foreigners. I call them Bangla since they are from there! Its seriously annoying being followed by those perverted arse everywhere! I went to grab a box of cereals I saw them there, I went to grab instant coffee since there's no more coffee at home I saw them there, I went to grab some chips for our trip I saw them there! THEY ARE BLOODY EVERYWHERE!! It was scary but ANNOYING!! If not for my brother I might be gone or something! Since there are a big group of them following me! Even the people who stalked me weren't THAT scary! They looked really perverted and I know they are up to no good following me everywhere! I gave them "the stare" and walked away when two of those Bangla came near me. Looking at their faces really wanna make me spit on them or better still give them a punch on their stomach or kick on their bloody fucking dick! I promised myself if they ever touch me or came near me I'll scream and make sure my leg land on their balls! I don't care if there are a big group of them but THEY ARE REALLY GETTING ON MY FUCKING NERVES FOLLOWING ME EVERYWHERE! Gotta learn some self defence from my brother from now on. Men these days are just such pervs! That reminds me of another incident when this bloody fat elderly man was staring at me when I was in a shop choosing my birthday present! Fucking mens! My mom was the one who warned me to be alert that time even today when she too noticed those Bangla mens were following me everywhere! Without God's blessings I might be gone or something! Sheesh!
Girls out there! Everywhere you go better keep an eye to the mens around you! Even those old elderly mens! They can be really sick from their looks! Can't even shop in peace these days!