Last day of my camp! Geez! I can't wait to get back my phone..dey rampas it frm us on da first day and we were not allowed to make a fon call..=.= And I can't wait to go home and hug my Vicky! lol! erm...Ash woke me us cuz shez sleeping nex to me..
Ash: Eh wake up la! You really can move when you are asleep wan ho! Me: *half awake and look at Ash lying down* huh?
I am squeezing her with my leg and she can't wake! and I am suppose to be next San San..but I dun no how I managed to move to her place! lolz!
I woke San San up..and seh was wrapping herself lyk a mummy=X itz reli funny to see ppl waking up wif diff expression on their face! Took my tooth brush and clean my teeth..dun bother to wash my afce as usual! lol! The crowd in da morning was wow! Lyk wud I said in da previous post..erm..den we did senaman pagi la..ahahah! We playing Gajah and Penyu game..and itz so so hilarious to look at their shockes faces when our dumb commander suddenly shouted Gajah or Penyu..wakaka! Erm...there were punishment given to those who were not alert..and I kena la! ahahah! It was called "7 Kemaluan"
Hrm..I am wondering wazz all dat about den when dey said we hadda stand in a row and stuck our asses up and shake our butt accoring to da chicken dees remix..walaueh! The bad ones were eliminated first..I tot da good ones will be allowed to go and join the others who din kena..aihz! I just go and join da crowd without my commander asking me to cuz I am few up wif all dat...Yanumah was da 4th winner od at ass shaking competition which we call it chicken dees...wahahaha! and Poh Yee, our head prefetc can really shake man! Shez da QUEEN OF CHICKEN DEES!!
After breakfast, itz Rekreasi Air time! wahahahaha! I can't wait..can't wait! lurve da water..lurve it! Had fun splashing each other in da water...and laughing our heads off when we look at Yamunah expression when we all started to splash her all at one time..and Vinnie din join us tho...dun no wazz wif un-active all of a sudden=/ Yamunah and I try pushing each other in da water and see who fell..but she fell b4 I pushed her..swt
later..we hadda clear our tents..and pack em..get ready to go home! ahahah! After finishing packing we go and bathe..I din bathe cuz da line in da toilet was so so long and by da time I gt my chance to bathe...we hadda gather ready lorh! So I wash my face on da tap water..quicklu get changed I hadda wear Kiki's tee again cuz no more tee to wear and her tee is da cleanest among all! and guess wud?! I actually washed myself on dat sink..ahahah!
It was so hot and sunny! And it was da best time to eat ice-cream! The ice-cream uncle is there selling ice-cream..and most of us were buying ice-cream frm him..
den..we had our lunch..da curry chicken was so so SPICY!! Got one kinda feeling after eating dat spicy chicken..din eat much tho..but I drink a lot! hahaha! Den we had sum taklimat frm everi commander=) erm..I think da best taklimat was frm dat guy who tought us how to sing in dun no wud language is dat=D He is our abseiling commander! Den Pn. Kamsinah gave us her taklimat..we cheered loudly when our commander said we were good=p
At last da moment I've been waiting for! I got my phone back! wakakakaka! I oni receive 3msg..but 14 misscalls...ahahah! I guess Steph din gt my dad's fon numxP Lousy fella I tot I gave you dat day my dad's fon num so u can contact me!? Niway..I can't sms anione also during dat camp! Later..we hadda line up and den we go back home!=)*grin* can't help thinking bout home dat time and can't help replying my msg and calling my buddies..
So when I reach my bus and leave my bags inside..I sat and reply one of my msg first which is frm Q-Peng stating I've passed my tkd grading..I heard some of dem failed=/ cuz of their side kick larh! erm..den I call my mom since I receive 5 misscall frm her...later we were allowed to get sum snacks b4 we depart home so I went out cuz I can't stand sitting in da bus..den I call Kiki=) later after we finish buying stuffs frm all those shops tehre(there are no souvenir shops) I can't seem to find aniting for Steph or Kiki..eheheh! dat place is a real jungle place man! U can't find aniting but food there! lol! Sitting in da bus I am busy chatting wif San San..and I din even realise we reach klang when I saw we are heading towards our skul..itz oni one and a half hour drive frm Ulu Bendul, Negeri Sembilan our camp place...
My dog followed my parents to pick me up and of cuz my bro! ahahah! I am so so every happy to see him..and my beloved darling Vicky! Itz actualli barking at my tch and my other frenz cuz it hated strangers! wakakaka! I ate my dinner last night..and go to bed around 8pm den I woke up today around was ok over there but of there are my pals there I wun feel home sick tho..=) Niway I am back safely=p In ONE PIECE lyk wud Jes wan to see me..Back in one piece! and..I really thank god for taking care of each and everione of us..Pics will be up next!
♥The Blogger♥
♥Wen Lynn
♥15th September 1991
♥My say♥
♥ Everyone is welcome here,
♥ Please leave if you don't like the content,
♥ Piece of advice is well accepted,
♥ But NO HARRASSING mind you!!
♥ My posts are my thoughts,
♥ Accept me for who I am^^
♥ Loves God
♥ Loves reading,
♥ David Archuleta obsession!!
♥ I choose how I wanna live,
♥ I know myself and my interest,
♥ Always eager to learn,
♥ A feminist,
♥ Stubborn by nature,
♥ Defiant,
♥ Not good with speeches/words,
♥ Detest control freaks,
♥ Music as her best companion,
♥ Ice-creams makes me HAPPY!!!=D
♥ Reading is a therapy for me,
♥ A blogger since teenage
♥My Tweets♥
♥Believes In♥
♥ Existence of God
♥ She's her own judge
♥ She's her own worse enemy
♥ Individuality
♥ Acceptance
♥ Self Value
♥ Women's rights
♥ Children rights
♥ Her true self
--> PIGS!!!
--> Control freaks,
--> Ignorant selfish people,
--> Liars,
--> Trashes of society,
--> Pretenders,
--> People with no self value/dignity
♥ To reach out to people who are in need,
♥ To be a better person,
♥ To achieve my personal goals in life,
♥ People to care about the unfortunate,
♥ Acceptance among society,