Itz sucha booooringgg day! Wondering why must I wake up so early when I al allowed to stay in bed till 1pm...urrggghhh! Woke up around 10am(I dun no why cuz usually I'll open my eyes at 11.30am and den shut my eyes again and continue sleeping) usual la..check my msg see whether I got receive anything dat one frm my cous asking me wud time am I coming over to his house to get dat sleeping bag..
Let me recall wud happen this whole week..
Monday: Sum ppl came and gave us a ruddy ceramah bout drugs...*yawn*
Tuesday: 3 WHOLE PERIOD of art lesson! Thats the longest art lesson I ever attend! Did batik and my abtik was lyk sh** buthen after a bit of touch up it is much better=D In fact itz nice and COLOURFUL!
Wednesday: Erm...still thinking bout wud to do for our science fair...Jo Lin den get an idea of making papaya soup...erm..both of us were actually creating our own way of making our own papaya soup=/ And I remember feeling super sleepy...
Thursday: Itz Puan Teressa's birthday...erm..sing her a birthday song...but no surprises lyk wud we did in my class last year...erm..Vinnie hadda faint in da class and the others ahdda crowd around her acting as if itz sum sorta "critical" condition..Shobana and I hadda rush to Cik faridah(her birthday dat day) and Puan Emi on the other hand is a real sport man! She pakat wif us to give Cik Faridah a surprise..erm...I remember da look of her face when she tot Vinnie fainted and she look so scare! Walaueh! When we shouted happy birthday to her..she had tears in her eyes man! wakakaka! The 2S all ah real actresses man! aikz! How cum suddenly I type bout wud happen last year wan!?!
Aihz! I really really 2S sick now la! I miss the 2S gang sooooo much! Everyting isn't da same anymore dun u think so?
Friday: Wooooo hooooo! CU was AWESOME TODAY!!!!! The crowd was wow! And everything there is awesome! erm...My science teacher lyk our science proj for our science fair..
Niway..these are Jo Lin's design for our "soap"

cool yea? ahahah! Hasil kerja Jo Lin..erm..Kiki I mean..she'll kill me if I dun use Kiki here as her name..