Went to tuition today...well..today Audrey, Steph, me and Jessie were there so you guyz can guess wud happen next larhxP
Audrey: Psst! The biatch sitting bside me told her friend dat "we" are making so much noise...
Me: Ahhhh! Ask her to go to hell larh! Like la we care! We got mouth we use la!
Jessie: Yeah! We know we r very noisy but who cares! Itz a free country..
Steph: Ahem! Sum1 said we are very noisy wo...if sum1 can't stand us making noise better vhange place larh!(LOUDLY!)
Jessie, I, Steph and Audrey:*smirking*
We had a good laugh looking at dat biatch face after Steph say dat LOUDLY! Such stuck up ppl...Itz a free country man! How LOUD we wanna talk our pasal la! We got mouth and we are proud dat we can talk with it unlike sum ppl...! Niway..we've been passing msg to each other since science lesson is so kao BORING today plus MATH!!! walaueh! Dat Mr Teh num2 ah.bey tahan him la! Sumbodee pls giv him fashion tips wei!
This is wud happen when we were all high after finishing three tubes of mentos during lesson just to keep ourselves awake=ppp

swt..read dat sign..so keep out kiddos!

The result of MY translation of "FACTORISE"(psst! Jessie, Steph and Audrey contributed to dem too)


as I just type it out...sorry kiddos..No PEEPING!!!

Grrreeeaaaatttt!!!! We are all HIGH! NO wonder..sensored words all written on it=.="

=X double swt-ness....can't blame dem for being high at times..*sigh*

Once again itz us! The "innocent" us!=)
well...the few finalz...


Well..Audrey contributed these!
Well guyz I post tiz just to REMIND the "gang" how far we can go when we were all high....itz SPECIALLY dedicated for Jessie, Audrey plus Steph..
Next time..WATCH IT! plus me la..I know wud to doxP LOLZ!!!
I seriously had a great laugh recalling wud we did during tuition..=X
YAY!!! After tml it will be a holiday for us! Weeeee!!! BACAAN tml! Can LEPAK! woooooo hoooo!