Thursday, August 13, 2009 / 6:57 PM
They are such pretty sight..
Especially when you see them in bunch..
That reminds me of my trip back then..
To Cameron Highlands..
Where I got to see a bunch of them from far..
Walked towards them in order to hold them in my hands,
And to admire such beautiful sight from near..
They are so HUGE and pretty YELLOW!
(What am I talking about!? Sunflowers are YELLOW!)
But I didn't get to be near those sunflowers..=(
Since it was pouring that time and my mom shouted at me to get back down,
Cause its dangerous up there..
I remember on my 7th(or was it 8th) birthday,
My dad presented me sunflowers=)
I woke up that morning and that was what I saw in the garden..
Though there are only two or them,
My eyes practically glistened when I saw them..
It was such a pretty sight=D
My dad knows I love them..
So he got them for me..
But it didn't live long..
I mean it dies easily=(
Roses however,
Are not my cup of tea..
They are boring!