My dad told me that someone from the states posted a parcel to my address..
And I thought he was kidding when he told me that..
Till I see this...

And guess what is in it?*grin*
David Archuleta album!!!How cool is that?!
And I got it for FREE!!!!
What I did was..
I join some fan club of Archuleta and requested for his album..
And for that I received his album by post after I requested for it for like a month?
Don't get me wrong here..
I do wanna buy his album..
Thing is..
Though I am his *cough* sort of fan..
Or perhaps I am one of his HUGE fan(not a real fanatic to be honest with you)
I rather spend my cash on something else instead..
I'm supporting him by listening to his songs on the radio and drop by his websites reading articles bout what is he up to..
Ok whatever!
If he's to come to Malaysia one day..
I'll be the first to buy his concert tickets=D
So please please do come to Malaysia lil David=)
I'll die of happiness if you do^^
As for college,
This is my first day in college..
Nothing much but there are a lot of briefings...
I don't know who will be me lecturer yet..
And I do hope Ally will be able to get the timetable she wants..
I'm frigging tired now as I just got back not long ago..
I'm pretty much satisfied with my timetable, though there are no breaks in between..
Which means, my classes are one after another>.<
Alrighto!! I shall stop here..
Gotta freshen up a lil and get something done^^
Till then...
Labels: college, David Archuleta