Bwahahahaha!!!To those who got STRAIGHT A's,CONGRATULATIONS guys!!!I got to know Jana's and Christopher's results this morning..They too did well for their PMR=)Jin and Pravin too, that is what Jana told me=DChristopher heard my brother got straight and I got all excited after that..I texted my mom's phone thinking that its my mom will be reading it,
Me to "mom",
Ma, Christopher heard boy got straight A's. Don't tell him yet, let him get his results himself..
Then I received a text message from "mom"
Its me la..swt..
I accidentally texted my mom without knowing that the phone was with my brother!!
Guess what is my brother doing now?!Instead of letting me know his results,He is chatting on the phone with one of his friend now=__=I got the feeling that the phone line will be busy today..
I am still cursing my brother for not letting me know his results before he go around telling others!! I got the right as his elder sis to know kay!?
Now I owe him a watch=__=
To those PMR sitters who got straight A's, Grats!!
Have fun celebrating yo!