Biology and Chemistry for FOUR PERIODS STRAIGHT ON MONDAY!
Not a good way to start my week!>.<
At least they don't put History after Biology this time=p
There's a blackout in my housing area yesterday night and my brother was upstairs chatting with his friends online as for me, I am trying to get myself to bed early. It happened around 1.25am and I thought my brother was with my sister upstairs so I just go ahead sleeping till I received a phone call from home. My brother used the house phone to get me in my room asking me where am I. LOL!!!
Bro : Jie, where are you? Blackout la!
Me : In my room sleeping la d'oh!
Bro : Come upstairs with your phone as your light source..
Me : Haha!!! You scare ar?xP
Bro : Ya lar!
I went out grabbing my phone and my sister was just about to come out from my bro's room and she quickly grabbed me asking me not to leave her alone. My brother heard the sound of me slamming my room door and I can see how happy he was looking at me coming to his rescue!xP
Seriously! To think that my lil brother is turning 15 this year is impossible at times! He's afraid of being in the dark alone, afraid of cockroach and ghost..xP LOL!! Looks like his elder sis is his heroin when comes to situation like facing the dark*winks* This afternoon he woke up and asked my mom if someone is dead. My mom asked him why did he ask her that question he was like, "Owh..I thought if someone is dead, then I don't have to go to school!" LOLZ!!!!!
I've been listening to "Purple Line by DBSK" and "Balloons by DBSK" heaps of times today! LOL!! For some reason, I am addicted to that song. I hope I'll be able to get myself to bed earlier today. I am so used to my sleeping time during this break and if I sleep at 4am today, I am bound to be half awake the next day in school!xD
To the person who spam my cbox when I was away for a day..xP
Thanks for being so concern about what is in here
This shows that unworthy people like you guys too visited my blog.
Wow! Not bad eh? I am FAMOUS!*grin*
You guys really gave my other readers an impression of your pathetic-ness for using such abhorrent words in my cbox. Which of course another proove to the rest what a juvenile bamboozle and impertinent you guys are.
Sorry not guys but creatures..
I do not wish to degrade human beings with such banal species like you guys.
If you are not a gay why are you so agitated when I mention that word gay? I mean there are a few meaning to the word gay. Oh yeah! I forgot such adrogyrous creatures like you do not own a proper dictionary. Plus I have better things to do than to give my attention to such parias like you worthless creatures. We all have 24 hours per day and my 24 hours is too precious to spend any single minute or seconds confronting such parias. You can spam my cbox all you want cause nobody here will bother to read those crap you guys did to my cbox. Its filled with your shyt but so what?! It shows how concern and pathetic those obnoxious creatures are towards me.
Awww man! I am touched by your conceited gesture of "lurve" and "care" using those words against me. Sad to tell you this, those words leave no impact on me*grin*
I only find it really childish and funny on how "creative" a creature can be though I am well informed that that kind of species have a brain with the size of a pea. They should be congratulated for their time and creativity coming out with such brilliant jocular. In some way, I did learn some new words which I don't think it'll be much use in my daily life. Sigh!xP Oh yeah by the way, did I mention something I know about homo people?? I found out that they rather fill themselves with crappy rumours spread around like wildfire than to update themselves with the issues of the society these days. After all, they are just paranoid what other people think about them don't you think so?*smiles* Afraid of being ostracize by the society when some of them are already being ostracize by so many other people.
And such creatures are so pathetic that I can do nothing but to sympathize them=)
I guess there's no cure for such attitude but to leave them like that since I did learn to accept others for who they are. To forgive and forget and to love your enemies and bla bla bla..LOL! After all, we all have the freedom to speak our minds out. I understand some creatures who try to be "outspoken" but they fail to do so thoroughly since they know nothing but to spit out a good bunch of vulgarity.
Oh gosh! Its my first day back to school tomorrow after two weeks of break from school, and we are supposed to attend a meeting tomorrow! So not good! Sheesh!
Signing off..
Wen Lynn♥
PS : To my worthy readers, I know those creatures can be way crochety but you guys know there's no use bothering bout them since they are born to be lifeless. They are just jealous of people like us who live in a proper normal life. Thus, I am leaving them to get a life for now from my blog. Giving them inspirations!^^ Wahhh! I know its a very noble act for giving such creatures such "attention" for once*winks*