A day with my cousin sista!
Saturday, May 31, 2008 / 10:42 PM

I spent my day with Jade today. My day involves food and cooking and a lot of catching up with my beloved cousin sista today. Since she will be going to Aussie to further her studies in July and she wanna learn how to cook from my mom besides spending time with her "beloved" lil cousin sista..xP Hahahaha!!xP Jade and I had been enjoying home cooked food today together. We even baked and cook. Well Jade cooked dinner and we baked tarts together..

I shall let the pictures speak for itself=)

Jade wanna prove to my mom and I that she can cook today..

Psst!! She sure know how to fry things without getting the food burnt..xP

The "professional" chef

Jade's Sambal Petai..xP
Sinfully delicious egg tarts!!! By Jade and I^^
Fried Popiah..(I made it myself but I am not the one who fry it..xD)
Oh yeah baby!! I just can't resists these..*drools*

Today is definitely a wonderful but exhausted day for me.

Jade wanted to have a barbecue party with the family members before she depart to Aussie and I think its a BRILLIANT idea!=D Its gonna be held at my place next month on my mom's birthday. So we will be throwing a farewell party for Jade, celebrating my mom's 41st birthday and welcoming the existence of my dad's brand new car which soon gonna me mine when I get my license!xP LOL!!!

I thought my mom will be celebrating her 43rd birthday this year till I heard mom said that she'll be celebrating her 41st birthday soon. I was like, "Ma, I thought you are 43 this year? And pa is 46 this year?" Lmao!!! Sorry ma, my mistake. I thought you are 43 this year since your kids are all growing as the years passes by. Jade said I looked taller now!*grin* I thought I can't grow taller anymore=__= Wahahaha!! Or maybe she's shrinking?o.O

After dinner I went Aeon with Jade to get some stuff for her. I bought NOTHING..xP Since there's nothing for me to buy and I am saving right now. I saw a stitch pillow and I totally drooled over it! and
a kuma-kuma paradise! And a GOSH!!! I am still so addicted to kuma-kuma and tortoises till now! DAMN! Supposed to stop that tortoise and kuma-kuma fever in me long ago!

Gawd! Having a headache now..I shall go to bed early tonight..

Till then...

Sleepless nights..=.=
/ 7:05 PM

Oh geez! Looks like this is one of my sleepless nights!!

Its already 3.40am and I can't even sleep a wink!

Worse still, I've just finished reading the book by Jodi Picoult, Keeping Faith and I still can't get myself to bed!

Yes, its the book that I've been reading since Sunday..everyday since Sunday I only get an hour to read that book and whenever I have the spare time to read I'll just grab the book and start devouring it. Having classes after classes to attend for the past few days stopped me from slacking since I also have to spare the rest of the time after my classes revising!>.<

Kausi's words kept playing in my mind..

In a way..it did helped me to force myself to revise during the break and in the other way..it did freak me out when I start counting the months left for my SPM examination! Its June tomorrow and I'll have to really buck up with my revisions or I shall proclaim myself dead for good!=/ Oh great! I do sound like some ultimate loony typing out those things in this post! Arrgh!!!!>.<

I don't think my mid year results will turn out good.

I bet some of you might be cursing me for worrying about my mid year results when there's still a week to go before I go back to school. And more people who will be sitting for their SPM this year will hope to get their hands on me to take away my life for bringing up the SPM subject in this post! Whatever! You are always welcome to kill me anytime you want*winks*

Gosh! Why am I getting morbid now!?

It can't be that book I'd just finished reading about erm...speaking to angels and stigmata!!! How I wish Evil Twin is awake by now...wonder what time is it over there right now...hrm..Gawd! There's nobody interesting for me to annoy in the middle of the night!!

Ya like d'oh!
And I am the only mad owl who is awake!
Well not really since I have a few contacts in my MSN who are still awake!

I suddenly get this urge to speak to someone but I can't possibly speak to him when he's so far away from me now! Pfft!! I forgot he's away to Aussie during the break and I don't know when will he be back! I should have asked him that time=__="

I hate it when the people I am close to are so far away from me.
Its no use missing them when I know I can't reach them.

Perhaps I should read another book to distract me for the night..*grin*

Feeling of remorse..
Thursday, May 29, 2008 / 10:56 PM

I am so close to breaking down...

But I have to pull myself together...

Thipa break the bad news to me today..

I am feeling nauseous since I woke up today for don't know what reason!

Its bout a friend of mine whom I used to spend my time with when I was in lower secondary and well..she's very very sick right now. I have not heard from her since we spoke to each other in front of Kausi's house before I go for my classes. That time she just went through an operation and she told me it was a small thing so I thought owh..fine then, she will be healthy enough to go out after that. But things got worse now. The tumour can be seen growing again and the doctor found a lymph node somewhere near her throat..

Anyway, I can't remember what Thipa told me after I heard that growth word from her. My mind was buzzing and I let her words float in my mind and it was as if I was too shockedto listen to her after that. But I managed to pull myself together on time to get more information from her bout that friend of mine. Apparently she's having a high fever now and she had to go through blood test and some other test to see if that growth is cancer or something else. Her mom called Thipa and asked her to spread the words to her friends who are close to her which is obviously her old girlfriends.

You see...that girl has been one of the girl whom I spend a lot of my time with three years back and we had been inseparable since that day we met in the home tuition we went. We used to be in this group with the three other girls and as we grew up we somehow drifted apart. Louisa who was in the group shifted to Kedah, that girl, Nicole, Thipa and I began to drift apart from each other since I stop going for that tuition and since I start gettinginvolve in a lot of other stuff. However, we still call each other out for girlfriends outings whenever we have the time which is obviously very rare since Louisa is not around in Klang, Nicole has her stuff to do, Thipa too, and well...I always have no time.

Hearing that from Thipa I can't help feeling a pang of regrets within me for being such an ignorant friend. She was one of my closest girlfriend and she will still be one of my closest girlfriend though we didn't get to keep in touch with each other often. She totally slipped off from my mind since I am so caught up with my school stuff and my packed schedule.

Funny isn't it...after getting to know that she's not well or frankly she's very sick right now I can't help cursing myself for being so selfish. I didn't send her any text messages for months since I didn't receive any from her so I thought she must be pretty busy with her school stuff and I thought it'll be awkward if I'm the one who start texting her before receiving a text messages from her. And I somehow thinks she won't need me or some rubbish!

Arrgh! I can't really think straight now actually!>.<

So sorry Chris for not being there for you all these while. I know you've been keeping that from us as you don't want us to be worry bout you. I guess we'll have to leave our worries to the One above us now..

I really really hope you'll get well soon..I should have ask Louisa or Thipa before this about you but I didn't! I know sorry isn't the right word to use now..but I'll be praying for you..

We will all be praying for you..

Get well soon Christine darling..

Miss you loads and I hope we can meet up soon..

My-so-ever-dull-routine for the break
/ 3:35 AM
26th June 2007...(Monday)

I went for this program, "College Life In One Day" organised by Taylor's College with Vhina and Raghini. Basically, I attended the program to get a rough idea on how's college life like and mostly to know about the course I planned to go for next year. My day started at 6.15am where I had to get up and get ready to catch the train with Vhina. Our program starts at 8am so we had to be there by 7.45am. Raghini, Vhina and I took the train to Subang and later we took the bus to Taylor's. The bus we took is soooooo antique and its like the whole bus gonna crash on us if we didn't watch out for the loose metal bars=__="

There's this session where we had to go to the computer lab and learn Physics from this lecturer which I can't remember his name. I ain't fond of Physics and when I saw the schedule for the day, I was like...WTH!? PHYSICS!?! Anyway, we were asked to do something related to Physics with the computer. Then we were divided into groups before we went out for our lunch. Each group will have a leader which is a student from that college to bring us out for lunch. I was placed in a group with the dude I am supposed to team up with in that program. He's an indonesian and he's really quiet? Then there's another 2 girls in the girls 3 if you wanna include me in. We had our lunch at arestaurant nearby that college and the dude who brought us out for lunch is a really nice guy who will let us know anything we wanna know. I can't remember his name anyway but who cares!?xD

Our program ended at 3pm. Vhina, Raghini and I decided to walk to the train station since we are not sure if there'll be a bus. So we find our way to the train station with Vhina as our "tour guide" can we call her that?>.< style="font-size:130%;">DEAD TIRED
after my add math class so I went straight to bed after taking my shower..

27th May 2008(Tuesday)

My day starts at 7.30am when I had to get myself ready for my Chemistry class. I had my Chemistry replacement and extra class for 4 hours that morning!>.< style="COLOR: rgb(153,51,153)">FAMISHED when I reached home so I had one and a half dumplings..the other half I asked my bro to finish it up for me..XD

Then I had Physics class in the afternoon and in the evening which is after my Physics class I had to go for my add maths class. During my add maths class yesterday, the girls REUNITE and we teamed up against those creatures. Kausi said the girls are too noisy...buthen its not everytime we are THAT noisy. But even if we are so noisy in the class we somehow managed to finish all the work given by her. We talk and do our work..multitasking you see..*winks* Unlike those creatures..when they are noisy..they are SUPER NOISY in the sense of their voice could irritate the dead! Plus they don't have the capability to multitask like us girls..when they talk, they don't do their work..and the only word that seemed to exist in their dictionary is, "Shut up lar". To make things simple and short they are not only annoying but dumb.

And that reminds me of that nasty post on those creatures which is posted a month ago if I am not mistaken.*grin*

Apparently...they found out about that post


And they were FURIOUS and erm...erm..whats the word again?


Ahhh! I don't think that word exist in their bloody cheap-lak Petaling Street dictionary too. Sigh!! This creatures really need proper education from..uh..teachers who are willing to change their perception in things. And perhaps make them less baboon like..? That's not my point. They began to demand me for reasons why did I post it up but like I mentioned earlier..they are such uncivilized creatures that they will not get why did I post that up in my blog. I posted that post on purpose.

Firstly its because they deserve it, secondly...they should know how most of us think bout them, thirdly and mostly...its not that I am a coward to tell them right at their faces...but I guess this is a better form of making them humiliated by telling EVERYBODY bout their behaviour through my blog=) If I am to tell them straight on their face, they will be less humiliated cause only a few of them will witness it=P Plus how does it feel when agirl you think you like turning from an "angel" to a demon eh? Playing along the BORING games with you and suddenly you found out how nasty she could be when you get on her nerves?*evil grin*

But I mainly wanna post that just to get on their nerves=)

Though most of my girlfriends told me that they could hurt me..but they should know that there's a thing called "law". They cannot hurt me, or touch me, even if they do, I can always report them for harassment=) As simple as that. The authority will deal with such people and we have our freedom of speech.

Anyway, they didn't do anything beyond the limit for the past few weeks after they found out bout that post=D And one of them even apologized to Shia for being such a crap? Another idiot had to apologized to Jas after he accidentally knocked her head with the chair...actually he doesn't bother to apologized which is not a surprise since he's one of those who started getting on my nerves before the rest. Well...he was forced to apologized to Jas by some dude.

If they didn't do anything wrong, they wouldn't be THAT agitated after reading that post.


Go for your classes and DO NOT TRY TO test the girls patience in your class cause we can be really nasty if we want to.

28th May 2008

I went for my Bio and add maths class this morning. Came back home FAMISHED and had maggie for lunch since I am too hungry to wait for my maid to cook for us lunch. This week I'm rather packed with my extra classes. Thank gawd this weekends I'll have no classes to attend=) I hope Jade will be coming over this weekends=p And I really wanna watch Narnia!!! Thing is, I can't seemed to find time to watch it this week! Maybe next week if nothing is up for me to do..xP And I feel like a zombie!! Damn! Waking up early to go for my classes, come back home had my lunch or dinner and ran straight for my other classes! WTH!?

Anyway, I cannot complain now..4 months left for my SPM examination and I SHALL shut my mouth and go for my class. That reminds me of my revisions I have to do during this break. Ah well..>.<
Readers' Choice
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 / 10:26 PM

I'd joined this Reader's Choice competition without knowing I'll win it with my choice of books. I just have to pick three books from the fiction category and another three from the non fiction category and submit the form which I got it from the STAR newspaper every Tuesday and Sunday last month. I had to pen down a slogan or something at the end of the form and the results are out today... Well, I submitted my brother and my name for that competition just to see how lucky I'll be. After all I've read one of the books from the fiction category before, "Sweetheart from Hell by Lim May-Zhee" and I'd heard a lot from my friends on certain books from the fiction and the non fiction category.

The books are the works of our local author so I don't really find it hard to pick the best three novels which will stand a good chance to win the most popular books. I managed to get my choice on the fiction books correctly and won myself a voucher from POPULAR and a two years membership card if I am not mistaken. Well, that's what I read from the form before I submitted them in.

I am delighted to know that I've won that voucher..
Its a piece of good news to me after having such a rotten day!

But somehow..I can't seemed to take that thing off my mind!
Which is rather annoying!

Sunday, May 25, 2008 / 10:10 PM

I saw a horse nearby my housing area!!=) My neighbour or someone around my housing area will be getting married soon and that horse is for their wedding ceremony..xP Like a...fairy tale crap! The princess sit on a horse on her wedding day and the prince will..blah blah blah! WHAT CRAP! Before this they use a donkey and there's a wedding parade in front of my house with people playing LOUD music and all..I don't know when will they gonna have another wedding parade. Its nice looking at them walking under the hot sun and the poor bride had to try so hard to prevent herself from screaming when she sat on the donkey since she's afraid of it getting crazy and start running..ok I am crapping. Forgive me for my crappy-ness today>.<

This is the second time I took a photograph of my study table and post it here. I am not trying to show off my messiness or anything..but one thing I don't get it, WHY IS MY DAMN STUDY TABLE SO MESSY though I've finished my exams!? WTH!? How did I managed to make them look like crap!? Anyone can tell me how!? I got sick of looking at my table like that but I can't bring myself to clear the mess! Sooner or later somebody gotta force me to clean my study table..URRGH!


Went to the bookfair in KL today with my aunt, my mom, my sis and my cousin brother. Its my first experience attending such bookfair and well..though I came back really exhausted but I really am satisfied! Firstly its because I managed to get my hands on the books I am craving for=) Next..its because I get to spend spend SPEND!!! I've been very thrifty for the past few months. Been very stingy with my cash since I am planning to use them for the end of the year when I go for my vacation*grin* I am just giving myself a treat since I've been really good at refraining myself from doing certain things!=p

Torey Hayden's books!!!*drools*

But I didn't get any of her books though..for some reason..sigh!

I met the writer of S'pore True Ghost story, Russell Lee..

A Japanese author..I wanted to buy his books since its very intriguing..I just wanna know his style of writing and his stories since its rather extraordinary. Its not like the usual books I usually read..its not romance, horror..I seriously don't know what is his books all about! But his books are SO EXPENSIVE AND THIN!! I can finish them within an hour or so..and it'll be a waste if I spend my cash on it! I prefer spending my cash on FAT THICK BOOKS which will last me for at least 3 days?xP

Though I am gonna turn 17 this year, but I still but kiddies tickets!xP Wahahaha!

Bought this for my bro..but he just chuck it aside after I gave it to him=.="


There are HEAPS of books at the bookfair! I had such a hard time choosing which book to buy since there are sooooo many of them for me to choose from! So I ended up buying these...=)

I bought a bottle of perfume from Body Shop for Mrs Renuka as her Teacher's Day gift

My sis bought these..I think its really cute..though its just an eraser=.=

I really shop till I drop today..when I first stepped into that bookfair I thought I am dead and I am in heaven of books..xP Hahaha!! There are a lot of chinese books sold there and for me to get my hands on English novels...I had to walk pass the stationary section and some other booth..and it was SO CROWDED!!! I find it REALLY HARD to walk as everyone is pushing and forcing their way in the crowd and well I suddenly feel sooo...small? Since the people around me are so tall and they were pushing me around when I was making my way to the Novel section. WTH!?

I am currently reading "Keeping Faith" by Jodi Picoult..

I had a brief conversation with Joyce yesterday..

Didn't expect her to remember my age since I remember the last time when we met, she forgotten that I am 16=.=

Anyway, she'll be back this year!
Wooo hoooo!!

Thought she'll never come back anymore=)
But she will!

♥The Blogger♥

♥Wen Lynn
♥15th September 1991

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