Yesterday there is a exhibition in my school and I managed to snap a few photographs on what I saw in that exhibition...and I thought of sharing it with you guys here!^^
But first, I do hope those of you who are reading post to leave your drinks or food aside first...
Pull yourself together....
Take a deep breath...
and prepare for.......

Don't you think those photographs above are rather gruesome??
And yet I wanna post them here...=)
I bet some of them who don't wanna look at those photographs in the exhibition since they heard people talking about how disgusting and revolting those photographs they display in the exhibition will be cursing me under their breath now after reading this post..xP Anyway, I just wanna give one message to the readers to cross the road safely, or you'll be one of those people from the photographs above!
See!! I have good intentions to post those photographs here!*as if*
The viewers aka the brave ones...xD
And I saw these...
Kuat bercakap...
Hrm...someone I know has the same symptoms..does that means she consume ganja too? Mind you, its not me who has the symptoms above!xP "Kegembiraan yang terlalu kuat.." Wahahahaha!!!! Sounds like somebody I know..xD
Once again, ITS NOT ME mind you!!xD
I am not being perasaan cause I know some people(you know you are) will be laughing their heads off after reading the statement above since they thought I'm describing bout myself..=___=
I did mentioned I cut my fringe in the previous post..and well, only some people realised it. Diane got over excited when she managed to point out to the others about my fringe yesterday*sweat*. Dee however was still blurring till Diane mentioned about my fringe. She said I looked different yesterday but she couldn't figure out what makes the difference in me..*double sweat*. Li Shia noticed and she gave me such a HUGE REACTION when she saw me with my new fringe cut..>.< style="color: rgb(0, 204, 204); font-style: italic;">Jia Hui noticed the difference once she saw me in tuition today=)

I skipped school today!^^
And I planned to skip school again tomorrow!!=)
It feels to nice to stay home and do whatever I wanna do, basically revising for my mid year exam. Dad bought me a Readers Digest book today=D Well, I asked for it..since there's a booklet on Australia in it..

And my sis got this from her English teacher and she gave it to me=p Its super adorable till I don't have the heart to eat it!xD
Desperate housewives on TV tonight!!