Sunday, September 23, 2007 / 12:43 AM
Yesterday I went to the Good Samarithan orphanage home. I wished my camera is with me that time..actually ALL THE TIME! Sighs! I miss my camera=( Its still under repair..and its already a month plus since its sent for repair. Pray for my beloved lovely camera to be back by the end of my examinations. I really need my camera. My camera=my life. Aihz! Newayz 10 of the interactors from my school were chosen to go to the home to help out. The 9 main boards were all there(actually they are suppose to be there). We were incharged of the games and interacting with the kids. The night before that I switched off my phone early since I don't want any disturbance in the middle of the night as I'm dead tired that day..
Skipped school again!=) Been skipping school a lot lately^^ Messaged Gan to ask to pass my message to Sarlini asking her where to meet after school. Gan wasn't in school too so she asked me to message Sher Reen. Guess what? Sher Reen wasn't in school too! So she asked me to ask Sina to pass the message...and phew! Thank gawd Sina went to school that day!
message to Sher Reen : Morning!=) Sleeping or flirting behind the class now ah? Neway can you ask Sarlini for me where to meet after school..
Sher Reen replied : Morning morning ready bomb me arh!? Sorry girl din go to school today...ask Sina..
message to Sina : Morning!^^ Curangin with who now ah? LOL! Neway can you ask Sarl where to meet after school?
Sina replied : Curang with Syahfinaz now..Diane didn't at wakaf..
LOL! I guess half my class population is missin on Friday. Li Shia skipped school on that day too. She told Diane since I won't be in school no point for her to go to school also!=.=" I set a bad example for her most of the time..LOL! Went to school around 1pm for Interact meeting. Supposed to be cleaning up the library for Pn Maz but Pn Maz wasn't around so our project have to be canceled. So..we had our meetings. Didn't managed to stay back for the board meetings as I have to rush for my Chem class. Li Shia looked odd when I saw her in Kausi. She's depressed for don't know what reason. Messaged her but no replies from her. Was too tired to wait for her reply so I switch off the phone and go to bed as the next day I knew I'm gonna be using most of my energy at the home.
Saturday(22nd Sept)
Woke up before my alarm clock rang after having such a weird dream! Can't remember what I dreamt off also!xD Switch on my phone and was alarmed to find out Davy actually message me right after I switch off my phone asking me some stuff. Showered and check my phone again...Wei Ting miss call me thrice...I thought she got transport problem so without hesitation I message her back..mana tau she already reach the home! SWT! And its only 8am! Bran reached around that time too..
Reached the home around 8.30am and don't know what school were already there. Bran and I waited for the other members to arrive and well, the kids came and entertain us when we sat on the swing and chat among ourselves. I get to know William, Joel, Thomas and Johnatan. William, Joel and Thomas are the REAL HYPER KIDS!!! Sheesh! Bran told them I'm an alien and since then William, Joel and Thomas were teasing me. I got mixed up with Joel and Thomas!xP I called Thomas, Joel and Joel, Thomas..LOL! William is super chatty..while Johnatan is the shy one. The kids saw our school badge and they too know our school's nick name "Monkey Girls School". Then Rachel Ng came in, a cute little shy girl. Well, Rachel WAS shy when I first saw her..but when I knew her, woa! She's not that kinda shy girl after all. LOL! I was forced to sit next to Rachel during the "poison box' game since Rachel don't want me to sit with the others. There's another Rachel that looked like Siu Siu according to Bran. She's soft spoken. Didn't really spend much time with the other Rachel as there's William, Thomas, Joel, Mary..and the few others to play with. The other Rachel is playing with Jas if I'm not mistaken. Mary is a girl whom I thought is a mixed..but I didn't ask her la..she can speak mandarin better than me and yea, she's a sporty little girl.
We played poison box and the kids were fighting among themselves to tear the newspaper and see whats the "grand price". They were all shaking the box, curious to know what is inside. But of course they have to finish tearing the whole newspaper my groupie wrap for the game. We played a few rounds of the game. Then Johnatan and the few other kids get sick of the game, well I'm sick of it too to be honest!xD Johnatan became restless so I told the kids we'll play one more time before we tear all the newspaper. After finished playing the last round, the kids were grabbing the box. Bran, Rubini, Nazihah was shocked I guess to see them grabbing the parcel and fighting among themselves for the parcel, wanting to see whats the "grand price". And since I don't want the kids to fight among themselves in case any of them burst out crying, after all we are there to cheer those kids up. So...I take the parcel away from them and asked them to calm down. I told them to sit in a circle and I'll place the parcel in the middle. Each and every of them will get to unwrap the parcel. Everyone of them will get the chance to tear the newspaper, but when its their turn, they can only tear a tiny piece of the newspaper. Thus, everyone will get a chance to open up the wrapper=) The kids were satisfy with my decision and they sat in a circle. As usual, I have to sit next to Rachel.
The next argument was about who will be the first to tear the newspaper wrapper. Before they start kicking or and lay their hands on each other, I asked them to listen to what I've gotta say. Thomas was sitting beside me too. And it'll be easier for him to start tearing the newspaper first so I gave him the chance to start it Thomas tore it...then William, Joel, another girl(forgot her name la), Mary, Rachel...then Johnatan came in half after William's turn, its Johnathan's turn, Joel, the girl, Mary and it goes on and on till they figure out it was the last, they start fighting among themselves again! And I have to stop them from fighting AGAIN! I asked them to put their hands on the wrapper and tear it TOGETHER! They followed my instructions..and they saw a box...its a scientific calculator box and they got REALLY EXCITED and everyone of them wanted to be the one to open up the box to see whats inside it. So they fought among themselves again. And once again I stopped them from going so...I asked them to put their hands on the box and in the count of three they'll rip the box together. So..enthusiatically they out their hands on it...they tore it and guess what is in the box!?
ITS FULL WITH PAPERS!!! HAhahahahahaaha! I can't helped laughing to look at the kids faces. They looked confuse. LOL! We gave them something which I don't know what is it. For the winners la. I can't remember who are the winners. Then I asked them if they wanna play "ice and water" and without hesitation everyone agreed. So we played the came which involved A LOT OF RUNNING and LAUGHING.
I had a termendous time at the home with the kids. The kids are such intelligent little ones who know so much! Some even knew the bollywood actresses. William called himself "William Shakesphere". Thomas and William almost look alike. And there's another girl whom I can't remember her name cause I forgot to ask her..I don't know much bout her but she's a nice one. Bran and Jas was busy with the other little ones..erm..which is from age 2 I guess...Angel, Michelle, Lien...thats the few I can really remember. The little ones are ADORABLE! But too bad they can't talk yet. They are super shy! LOL!
It was an exhausting day at the home but I had a great time playing with the kids! I'm looking forward for our next project which will be after our finals. We'll come out with more things to do that time. Right now, I gotta concentrate on my finals!=p To all the people who will be sitting for their finals...or ARE sitting for their finals, ALL THE BEST!! Sarlini, Davy and Pam team up in Kausi to bully me today. Davy was the first to start first. Ish!! For instance Sarlini will use my name for no reason to tease me with some "random" people there! But I bomb Davy back later. She has nothing to say after that. As usual la Jas, Sarl, Davy and I were doing our work and talk. We did a lot of talking and laughing today la especially after our add math lesson. Guess what Pam asked us?
Pam : You guys not tired wan ah keep talking and laughing!?
Sarl, Davy, Jas and I bursted up laughing again! I told Pam that she will die if she's in my class. We are worse in the class! LOL! Sarlini's mom has this form for her workers to fill it whenever they wanna apply for a day off and Davy took it and fill in some nonsense, I still have that form with me and still deciding to humiliate myself just to make your day(especially my classmates) or keep it to show it to my classmate later for a good laugh at it. Davy wrote something in it and pass it to Sarl. Sarl went hysterical when she saw her name on it since we teased her with someone before that so she thought Davy was being naughty as usual trying to annoy Sarlini for the fun of it. Of course Pam, Jas and I wanted to see what is the content desperately. Davy was laughing hysterically by that time. We demand Sarlini to show us that paper...till Davy told her it wasn't about her but its about me! So Sarlini, grinning away quickly read the paper and approve it..
Davy was the "saksi" or whatever she wanna call herself..they they pass it to Pam, after reading what is in the paper she passed it to Jas although I wanted to see it first. After Jas saw it...she bursted out laughing too. Davy and Sarlini won't stop laughing and I can't help myself to see what is in that paper. So I took it. Read it. Yeah, I went hysterical after that! Before I keep it aside I think Jas grabbed it from me since Varin wanted to see it.
Jas : Don't la so bad!*looking at the paper and laugh* Narh give you to pass it around!
Stoopid! I thought Jas was helping me! KNS betul! She passed the paper to Varin...I then wrote something in return. Specially for Sarlini. LOL! Sarlini tore it after reading it. Nevermind, I still got the form with me=) *evil grin* I'll fill it later=p Want me to post it?xP
To my classmates,
We'll go through the 3 miserable examination week together! Then we have 3 months to spend together planning things and going for trips together. GAMBATEH 4 Pintar girls!
Thursday, September 20, 2007 / 1:24 AM
Just finished reading Kok Yen's blog. Her posts are all super long! Typical her. Our dear Kok Yen really post about everything! Every single events happening in school...I found it interesting as most of the things in her blog have relations with what I am doing this year. I admit that I'm not an avid blogger this year since I am packed with classes and school stuffs. I'm always exhausted at the end of the day. Unlike last year I can blog about all those happenings so by the end of the year I can spend my time recalling those fond memories of the year. Since this year I won't be able to blog frequently about the happenings in my life and I really really wanna keep track of what happened everyday as every single day there's a fond memory in it.
So I started keeping a diary=) I bring it everywhere I go.^^ My classmates know about it since they'd seen me writing in it during certain lesson which I am not bothered to listen to the teacher yacking away about some nonsensical stuff. I don't understand what they say at times and if I listen to what they said, I'll fall asleep. I don't wanna be the next Jia Hui who always sleep during lesson. So I spend those quality time writing!^^ Li Shia inspire me to write...she's always writing! ALWAYS!! She too kept a diary but the weird thing is, she showed people what is in her diary. Swt! What is the use of keeping a diary when you kept showing people your personal thoughts!? Niways, its her wish to open up her feelings and thoughts easily to others. She's not that kinda girl who love to bottle up her feelings, which is good!=P Its much easier to know why is she upset if she pour it out to someone. Usually I'm the one who will notice the changed in her mood. Maklumlah I'm her so call childhood friend!xD Ekekek!I'm not going to school the next morning. That is why I am blogging right now. Gotta revise my Physics soon=/ and I can't stop sneezing! Guess I've catch a cold..Sniff....sniff..I miss singing Beautiful Girls with the crew=( Kok Yen really can remember things well huh? She remembered every of my classmates talks about their plan for the future. When I read her posts about our English presentation I really had a great time laughing at those things we said during our presentation. Kok Yen actually remembered what I told the class about my plans in the future when I, myself can't really recall what I told my classmates. Thanks Kok Yen for recalling it for me^^
Hopefully there's news on the Interact Club fund raising project by today. Going to the orphanage home this coming Saturday and we have to plan our first board of directors meeting ASAP!
signing off...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 / 9:30 AM
Thursday(13th Sept)
Three of us got chosen to witness live surgery in Hospital Besar, Kuala Lumpur. Sarlini, Rubini and I went to Klang Club early morning around 7.45am since we have to catch the bus with other interactors from other schools to the hospital. It was a memorable experience. Its my first time witnessing live surgery. The surgery is on this patient who has prostrate cancer..the surgeon came into the room we are in to gave us a talk about the surgery he is gonna perform. The speciality of this surgery is the surgeon used the robots to perform the surgery. Its first bought to our country in the year 2000 if I am not mistaken. The robot costs around 7mil? Yea, its very costly. I wish I had a camera with me that time to take the picture of the robot who will be performing the surgery on the patient with the surgeon's controlling it.
I get to see the inner of the human body. The bladder^^ and the stomach of course...well...there a lot of fats in it..the robot have to cut off the fats to make its way to the bladder and cut the bladder down to make its way to the prostrate to remove the prostrate..there's this part of the bladder which has a lot of veins and when the robot cut that part of it to remove the fats...woa! Blood were gushing out like water gushing out from a tunnel...Its one of the toughest surgery performed according to the surgeon.
What amazed me was the surgeon who was controlling the robot really have the patience to perform that surgery. He have to think which part of the bladder to cut to make its way to the prostrate to prevent exessive blood flow. Some of us found that surgery rather digusting especially when we saw the blood gushing out like that..but I found it amazing and I dunno why I got the urge to laugh at certain part of the surgery but I held back my laughter.=X LOL! I tried searching for pictures of the robot but it can't be seen clearly..
15th Sept(Saturday)
I'd mention it was my birthday. Well, this time I'll emphasise more on what did I do on that day..
Went to school for our first Interact meeting and Mr Anthony was there. I'm kinda disappointed with the attendence. We did this interview before we recruit members for the club as we did not want problematic people in the club. The club had been shut down due to behaviour problem among the club members 6 years back and now Interact Club is installed into the school again. So we are the first batch to run the club. Our teacher trusted those people in the club as they mention during the interview that THEY WILL MAKE IT FOR ALL THE MEETINGS NO MATTER WHAT...but guess what? Most of the only know how to use their words but don't do according to what they said. Of course we are gonna take action on those people. Perhaps they are gonna be eliminated.
I was pissed at Shobi and Sonia. Fed up with their promises and breaking it. I didn't wanna think further about them as its my birthday and I don't wanna ruin my day so I didn't reply their messages^^ Urhm..did some cleaning up in Bengkel KH. Pictures will be up after I take it from Pn Chia. Then went for my classes..
Its very un-birthday. Thats all I can describe my birthday. A lot of classes and work to be done so I didn't really enjoy my day if you ask me. But I got LOADS of wishes till 12am la. Hahaha! I don't think I'll realise its my birthday if my friends didn't wish me!xD
My friends are the ones who touched my heart this day. Especially Joyce who called from Beijing to wish me. I didn't expect her to remember my birthday. If you are reading this, Joyce...thanks girl! You really made my day!^^ Elli called during my Physics class just to wish me but I told her I'm in class that time can couldn't talk to her. Sonia wished me late. I thought she forgotten about my birthday. So I was rather upset since my good friend didn't even wish me till 11.30pm when I receive a phone call from her. Stupid girl! Purposely wan! The last to wish me was Brian...who wished me exactly a minute before 12am..LOL!
16th September(Sunday)
Had extra class in Kausi and Prasad..after Prasad I went out with my friends to JJ! Hahahaha! Its the day I celebrated my birthday. Vinnie, Kok Yen, Bran, Sonia, Gaya, Elli, Li Shia, Gan, Aoki, my bro, Davy, Jia Hui and Jas turned up. We had dinner at DelliRich. Li Shia laughed like nobody's buisness. Swt-ness.. We conquer the restaurant!=) I think the peeps out there don't dare to step into the restaurant when they heard Li Shia laughing. Kok Yen took photographs of the people's hyperness I gues..she is always with her camera getting ready to snap unwanted photographs of us doing silly things.
Kok Yen was wearing high heels that day! And dangling earrings!! Seriously, she looked damn girly! And Davy looked like a girl! She tied two ponytails. Davy looked CUTE!!! I don't know who said she looked like a kampung girl! Ahahah! Sonia too looked like a girl. She specially dress up for me=p She should dress up like that most of the time la! Always so boisterous. Kok Yen said she got a new project for us interactors. When I asked what is it? She told me to change Jia Hui into a girl and we all started laughing since we knew that will be our toughest project and its impossible Jia Hui can turn into a "girl" LOL!
I changed my plan to eat at my favourite Italian restaurant last minute since most of them don't know where is the place. I informed everyone and I forgotten about Gan...till Gan called Davy and when Davy passed me the phone...
Me : *gulp* OH SHIT!!!!! Sorry..sorry...sorry! I forgot about you!
Gan : WHAT!!??
Me : Change of plan we are now in JJ..
Gan :*&#^*& $#T*#TE*TS&V#((&#*%$(
Me : *Oh my...*
Gan shouted at the phone and I was...speechless? LOL!!! Finally she say...ok I'll be there! HAHAHA!!! Sorry wei Gan I forgot about you!xP I told everyone except you..sorry!!!=.= I feel so...BAD! Well, I should! Kakaka! But I can't help laughing whenever I recall that incident.
We reached JJ and waited for the others to turn up in front of McD as I told them to meet me at McD. My bro saw Brandon...
Bro : Eh jie...look there! Brandon!! How hideous he looked!
Me : Where!? Oh there! Hahahahaha!
We saw our "little friend" walking into a restaurant with spiky hair..that shorty shouldn't spike his hair la! He looked hideous as what my brother mention it! LOL! Vinnie and Kok Yen turned up a few minutes later guess what Vinnie told me?
Vinnie : Ey! I walk around finding for the Italian restaurant but there isn't one with the Italy flag as what you mentioned to me that day..
Actually the Italian restaurant is not In JJ la dungu! I can't believe she really go search for an Italian restaurant in JJ that has the Italy flag! Then she told me..
Vinnie : Kok Yen and I went to Popular trying to detect for noises..
I was like...SWT? YOU THINK I'M WHAT AH!? SPEAKER OR SOMETHING! CANNOT GIVE ME A CALL OR MSG ME MEH!!!! Stupid! What an insult! Sheese! Needa find for noises to know where am I! Bloody!!!!!!!!
Jia Hui came late...and Bran, Sonia(Miss Punctual) and Elli...Sonia mom's car broke down thats why the three peeps came late. Jia Hui even reached earlier then them! Aihz...Sonia forever "punctual" wan la. We waited for everyone to turn up before we "buka puasa". Hahaha! According to Gan we don't have to "buka puasa" also since we didn't tutup puasa.=.= Jia Hui paid for everything from food to the things I wanna buy. My kor is my cashier for the day. I just have to point at what I want she'll pay for me! Ekekek!!! I told her I feel like a "princess" for the day...thanks gor for the treat^^ Thanks people for turning up..I really had fun with you guys around! And Gaya!!! She asked her driver to drop her at JJ when her dad called she doesn't wanna answer the phone...
When I asked her why she didn't answer the phone call..
Gaya : My dad doesn't know I am here!
LOL! Thanks girl! For making it although you didn't tell your dad about it. Hahahaha! Sneaky huh?
Sunday, September 16, 2007 / 1:28 AM
I'm OFFICIALLY 16th!!!!
No plans on how to celebrate my birthday today but well, one thing for sure, I'll be working my butts off later! kakaka! Thanks a lot to those who wished phone never stop ringing since 12am...even before 12am...sorry if I havent reply your messages yet I might forgot or my inbox is full thus I can't reply any messages till I remove some unwanted messages from my inbox..I'll do that later=) haha! Jia Hui kor kor wished me so late....=(
Guess who is the first to wish me this year!?
It was RUBY!!
Oh yeah! By the way! Happy 15th Birthday Ruby!!!! We share the same birthday and yays!!! Its OUR BIRTHDAY today! Lets rejoice and have a jolly day today since its a happy happy day for us! akakak!!!
Damn! Li Shia wanted to be the first to wish...but according to my time, Ruby was the first to wish...according to my phone time, Li Shia was the first to wish me. Got a few unexpected wishes from unexpected people la and I'm touched by the fact they remembered my birthday! Eheheh! I thought Steph forgot bout my birthday but she did wished me...=) Yawn..sleepy edi larh! Guess I better go to bed early or else I'll be having a hard time waking up the next morning to school.

Yes I don't look 16th!=) Heee! At least I'm not old looking!xD
Lastly, LOVE YAH GUYS!!!!
Hugs and kisses from me to you!<3<3<3>
Stitchy-Itchy going to bed now=)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 / 5:45 PM
Finally! I get to spend some time blogging. Well, I'm cutting down on my school activities due to the upcoming end year exam. More classes to attend before my end year examination and I'm in the midst of revising for the end year exam. I'm not gonna say anything about end year exam for now, getting headache thinking of those unfinished revisions! Right!
I'm soooooo EXCITED!! Tomorrow I'll be going KL with Sarlini and Rubini. Three of us are chosen to go to KL medical centre to witness robots and surgeons at work!=) I'll try to post whats going on there as I know most of you reading this wanna know what is it all about. Oh yeah! Before I forgot, Samantha Tew Siew Lynn! HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY SIS! Sorry I forgotten about your presents yesterday. Sigh! Wanted to pass it to you today but you didn't come to school. Speaking of school, I'm supposed to skip school today. Due to some reasons I can't skip today. Niways, I'm not regretting for going to school today!=) Today was FUN wei! I feel so bad...=/ I ajak Gan to ponteng with me yesterday and she didn't come today>.< And well....most of my classmates will not be going to school tomorrow=) kakakaka! Even Jia Hui kor kor don't wanna go..reasons? Cuz I'm not around marh! Hahahahaha! Right? No Wen Lynn= no fun!
Being perasaan now don't mind me. Today Li Shia is supposed to get a rabbit from! I forgotten my English teacher's name!=X WHOOPS!!! Oh yeah! Now I remember!=D Pn Tun Farinah! Hahahaha! She's giving away her rabbit to Li Shia and well, Li Shia can't take it home. She didn't tell her mom about it till today she called her mom in school and asked her if she can bring that rabbit home. Her mom was quite furious. She can't bring the rabbit home anyway. Hahahaha! Tough luck girl. Hey! I'm not being mean or something but seriously, you won't concentrate on what you are doing with the presence of the rabbit like today you came in late for Biology period and well, our teacher got her PMS I think....she's in such bad mood and Natasha, you(Li Shia) and Diane(if I'm not mistaken) came in late..walaoeh! You should see how Pn Leeza looked when we first step into Physics lab. ahahahah! Jia Hui and I were like, "Teacher for PMS is it?" Niways back to Li Shia! She brought the rabbit along with her during Bio lesson and guess what happened?
The rabbit peed on Li Shia's uniform!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! The rest of the day I didn't really notice Li Shia in the class although she's sitting next to me..well, she's suppose to sit beside me but I shift place since she put that HUGE rabbit cage on my table and GAWD! The rabbit stinks! And I need a big space for me to do my stuff. My table is ALWAYS THE MESSIEST! Li Shia almost turn into me!xD kakakaka! She told me that day :
Li Shia : My table is sooo messy!
Me : Hahahaha! Ya lar! Turning into me! Look under my desk
And under my desk is full with my books...and I don't even bother to clean my desk till the end of the lesson. Hahahaha!
Yea...I think I spend my day in school doing add maths. And yea this is the funny part of it...
After spending half the lesson trying to solve that add math question I finnally for it and so...I shouted " OH YEAH!!!" then Jia Hui and Ashlea who were sitting in front of me bursted up laughing..-.- Reasons why they bursted out laughing...
Ashlea : Its amazing that I can finish my water (Pointing at her HUGE water bottle)
Jia Hui : Yeah! Veruca RAWKS!!
suddenly from behind...
Me : Oh yeah!
It all happened in sequenced...Ashlea was HYPER today wei! Thanks to Jia Hui who gave her that Veruca capsule, a vitamin thingy. When I asked Jia Hui why is she so hyper today since she's always sleeping in class she answered, "Because of you I'm hyper". She practically blame me for most of the things...when she's hyper she blame it on me, when she swears she blame it on me...when she use the word suthe and Jas asked her she blame it on me..wahlao! I really leave such a big impression and influence on you horh bro!? Well, to be honest I'm super hyper today in school la...I guess everyone is hyper la...but yesterday was worse!
Yesterday we had PJ and well, we didn't get to go out to play since the exams are around the corner so our teacher asked us to stay in and do our stuff. Diane, Li Shia, Ashlea and I ended up crapping. Diane told me about her sister sleep talking and we really had a great time laughing! We talked about sleep talking and..since we got pet dog each and everyone of us we talked about the silly stuff our dogs usually do. Diane dog can scold her when she didn't feed it on time! Serenna was absent yesterday and I only realised she's not around at 12pm when I turned behind and shouted..."Where is Serenna?" Jia Hui thought I was looking for her when I told her, no I was actually looking for Serenna. Its weird la if one of them wasn't around. Like Serenna, although we seldom talk now since she's always flirting with Sher Reen behind the class or she'll go to Hanisah's place and start flirting with her but whenever she's not around the class seemed incomplete lar! Maybe cause I'm used to look at her and Sher Reen being lovey dovey behind the class whenever I turn behind to look at whats Shobi is up to.
I always mention Jia Hui, Li Shia, Serenna and the few others...what about Gan? hahahaha! Well, she exist in my class! But she's always asleep or not around. Although she sit behind me in class but I seldom notice her unless I'm in the class for the whole day la. And Foon Yong,(don't know if I get your name right here) welcome to the group. Just recently I sorta trust that girl..Li Shia always tell me how frightened you are of me being angry with you! Hahahaha!
Davy and I exchanged specs today since we have the same specs. Hahaha! I wore my old specs to school as I don't know where I place my new table(in my room) is super messy now and I don't think I'll be cleaning up the place till I really got the time to do so.=p Mom didn't scold me at the sight of the mess. She probably got fed up for scolding and shouting at me to clean my table cause she'll end up cleaning them for me.xD
Jia Hui once told Jas this, "You do that again I'll harm you"
Its actually an innocent line from her but Li Shia and I think the other way round and we both bursted up laughing! Till Jia Hui have to ask us practically force us to tell her why are we laughing...then Li Shia told heam "humping?" hahahahaahahahaha! You don't have how to hump! hahahahaha! And that reminds me of yesterday presentation! My group was the best since everyone talks during the presentation. Its about "Future Gazing" where we have to talk about what we are gonna be in the year 2020 and 2057...
This is what Jia Hui said about her in the future...
Jia Hui : In the year 2007, my History SUCK...but my History will improve by the year 2020 and I'll be a lawyer fighting for justice..
bla bla bla...I can't remember what she say next...she didn't mention anything about marriage. And yea, everyone have to talk if they are gonna go into marriage in the future or not...and of course Jia Hui being the "man" of the class create curiosity among us. Will she be a girl one day? Will she actually get married one day and have children? Well, we got our answers answered yesterday when Natasha asked her, "You haven't mention about marriage, so are you gonna get married?" All of us bursted up laughing...Jia Hui was blushing! hahahahahahaha! So she answered...
Jia Hui : *Laughs* Well, in the year 2020 I'm not married yet..
And I can see disappointed looks among my classmates... then Jia Hui continue her speech for the year 2057...
Jia Hui : In the year 2057 I'll be taking care of MY GRANDCHILDREN!!!!
HAHAHAHAAHAHHAHA!!!!!! So my brother is actually gonna get married one day! LOL! She won't be reading this yet, but I'm sure I'll be roasted if she read this! Hahahahaha!
That day I had tuition marathon...after school on Saturday I went straight for my Physics class follow by Add Math extra class and Modern Math..its 7 hours continous class for me and so I got restless in between Add Math lesson. Li Shia found a sim card on the floor and this is what happened :
Li Shia : Aik? Whose sim card is that?
*Davy and I looked at the direction she's pointing at*
Me : Ey?
Davy : Pick it up...I put in on my phone we'll see whose is it..
*Li Shia and I got excited*
Me : Yeah...if got credit lets bully people with this number=)
Li Shia : *Laughed heartily* yea...
Davy put that sim on her phone and there's so many unknown numbers..I was wondering whose sim card was it..
Me : Hey Davy lets call my phone with this number..
Davy : Kay...
Davy called my number with that number and guess what? We saw my mom's name on it!o.O" I was like...wait a minute! Was this my sim card? I checked my wallet and found my sim card missing and yes, it IS MY SIM CARD!!!! WAKAKAKAKA!!! Thanu was sitting next to me bursted up laughing and yea...all of us bursted up laughing..LOL! How silly we are! I don't even know it was mine and the credit expire months ago! Luckily Li Shia found it...or not I'll have to say goodbye to my 017 number...
Niways..I think I've crapped enough for now. Going tuition soon...I hope my dad top up for me later...I really need my credit desperately!=/
<3Signing off<3
Monday, September 03, 2007 / 2:38 AM
It was Stella's Birthday yesterday. I don't have the time to post anything yesterday. So this time I'll post something for her. She's not here anymore but she'll be remembered. A sweet and shy one she is. She left too soon..if she's here today she'll be 16th, Happy Sweet 16th Stella. I go back to Friday=) 31st August : Went for our Interact Club first gathering. Have to sit under the blaring sun for hours! But I have fun with my members=) Eheheh! Suk Yeen kept teasing me with the bloody 360 degrees! Thanks Bran for creating such statement for me! SHEESH! 360 degrees! Thats all she can remember whenever she see me in school. Suk Yeen too! We had games and we did a last minute choir performance. Well, we performed the same song as we did on the 30th of August however I think we were better with the complete 4P's members=) But not bad lar for a last minute thing. We didn't even practise! Our teacher asked us if we wanna perform and I was like why not eh? Since most of us are from 4P and we knw the song by heart and its for the sake of having fun since they looked so dull after sitting so long listening to all those speeches. Then I went Subang shopping. Suppose to shop for my birthday present and my sis's birthday present but can't find anything I want and same goes to my sis. Saw LOADS of Stitch stuff! Was drooling over them! Ekekek! 1st September : Cultural day! The event that I've been waiting for! It was A BLAST!! I had fun there! My mates performed well. I go crazy taking picz. Gonna put them in the school magazine. Will get Kok Yen to choose it. Davy and Sarlini didn't turn up for dunno what reason. Zanoah too! And Jia Hui kor kor! BLOODY!! ALL FFK WAN!!! ISH!!! I think I scolded Jia Hui for FFK-ing after that and kor promised to treat me lollipops!^^ You owe me lollies bro!=) Saw Daniel and Shiau Tying. The form 3's had this PMR seminar there. The seminar I attended last year before my PMR exam organise by GT church I first I thought those people are Form5 people since they looked so OLD!! They certainly don't look their age wei! Then I spot Shiau Tyng she told me they having seminar there. Then I met my ex-collegue and by the way I can't remember her name! WHOOPS! Saw...another girl I knew from my one month art class last year. Can't remember her name too. Its nice meeting all my friends again. Especially Mrs Wong's students;P I forgot to tell them to pass my regards to Kah Ling, Ellen and Zer Lin(dunno how to spell her name) niways, Ellen if you are reading this, just wanna tell you I'm missing you guys soooo much! Daniel asked if there's any chance of me going back to that place and I was on my schedule. But I'll drop by during the hols to visit you guys! I know some people leaving to Aussie next year. Didn't tell me also! I'm smart enough to guess niway..=) Went McD for ice-cream with Sher Reen after that. And guess who I met!? First one of my friend asked me what event is my school having so secara selamba I told her its Cultural Day then I froze...I saw MY LONG LOST FRIEND, RUBY!!!! I finally get to meet her after YEARS!! I think its been 5 years since we met!! Since I graduated for the course we only keep in touch through writing then in form 1 I got really busy that I didn't reply her letters. Niways, I'M SO GLAD TO MEET HER AGAIN! I was thinking of writing to her a few days before our birthday, by the way, we share the same birthday! Hahahaha! That makes us so special being friends!^^ I got her number and I havent message her yet although I told her that "We shall keep in touch" LOL! Not much changes in her la...just that she's TALLER NOW! Taller than me=( and more feminine? I don't mean shez a tomboy last time...last time we used to have really short hair now she has long hair ready. Niways, she's still cute and I still can recognise her. LOL! Her friend(the one I knew last year frm my art class) was shocked that we knew each other. I blamed her for not telling me Ruby is her best friend! I've been wondering where is that girl for years man! And I finally know where is she! LOL! That girl called me and surprisingly Ruby still remembered my name...tho I forgotten whats her real name now.=X I'll ask her later when I got the time. 2nd September Went for my first Interact Club first comitee meeting. Got new project coming up and I'll be busy with it this month..can't elaborate much what happened this my first present from my parents today! Will open it on the 15th Sept, 12am. And its Stella's birthday 3rd Sept Its already 3.05am...I'm half way through my add math. Don't think I'll be sleeping today. Have to list down some other stuff later and make another to do list so I won't forget what to do in school later...Happy Birthday sis! I can't get into my other blog. The one I created with Jade...and yeah! Jade, sorry can't make it for our outings yesterday since I am busy with something else after my Interact meeting...I'll message you after my exam we go out together ya? Yea! That will be after your exam too! That's all for now...Gotta get back to my add math...
Signing off...
/ 2:31 AM
Ahhh! Finally I managed to sign in! First..tiz post is dedicated to ma SISTA!! Happy Birthday sis!
You irritate me with your almighty "wonderful" voice when you scream,
You take my stuff without my permission MOST OF THE TIMES,
You are the one who lurve giving me small cute stuff,
You are the one who fought with me over something we both wanted so much,
You are a pain in the ass,
You miss me when I'm not around,
You tag along daddy and mommy whenever they wanna go shopping,
Though you are a pain in the ass most of the time, jie still lurve you for who you are. The house seemed to be quiet without you around its like the house is missing something. I'm use to shouting at you whenever you scream so ever LOUDLY when jie is on the phone or getting something done. I'm used to you asking me silly questions when I'm busy, I'm used to you irritating me for the sake of having fun. Lol! You will be reading this when jie leave the country one day...soon maybe? Have a blessed birthday. I know I've been very particular about you keeping quiet at home..but I'm not always to home so help yourself by laughing or shouting whenever I'm not at home cause I HATE NOISES WHEN I'M HOME!!
Once again, Happy Birthday sis!=)