I'm back!!! HAHAHAHA!!! In the previous post I make it as if I'll be gone for long! Niways...Jade! I think of a new name for you ready!!!! PRICELESS JADE!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! Niways, I'm waaaaay excited to get something done tho I'd only slept for 3hours last night. Went Serdang today to help out in Jade's workshop and WOW!!! The workshop is really successful! Everyone went on well..and well, there's only 3 of her college mates who are involve in that workshop(well including Jade) . Its actually their assignment and Jade is short of helpers and so...I went over to help out^^
Can't elaborate
on what happened there and after that. I spent the whole day with Jade and never regret it! It was thrilling and well, fun! Hahahaha! Fine! Brain can't work well now cause I'l thinking of my EST presentation! Groans! I thought I've saved those slides with the animations half done and when I open that bloody slides, guess what? ALL MY DAMN HARD WORK ANIMATIONS AND BACKGROUND PICTURES FOR THE SLIDES ALL GONE!!!!!!
No use going hysterical over it now! URRGH!!!! Gotta get them done! SHEESH!!!! MY HARDWORK='( sobz...
Yes, Jade I'm gonna stay up again today! LOL!!!! Call me crazy, call me insane, call me ah...whatever u wanna call me I don give a damn now! ARRGH!!!! And I left my phone charger at your place=( DAMN!!!! Hopefully that lousy phone battery won't die that fast! Fingers cross...>.<> >>>>>SIGNING OFF<<<<<