Been busy thinking of my delayed work and tuition...within 10 minutes time I'm off for my classes...yes after all this isn't a BLISSFUL Saturday. My weekends will never be a blissful weekends as itz FULL with things to do during the for weekdays sigh! No need to ask me any rubbish questions as weekdays I'll be like a madfella rushing around...Niwayz! Todays is my Kunji Buddy Navitha Tata's 16th Birthday! I knew her since primary five=) Li Shia, me and her used to be the threesome. As for now...we are in a group! the Sutz and Kutz group! She's a GREAT friends who understands me and even if I'mthat busy and don't have the time for her she knows and she will not complain...
Continue being playful and keep your childish self as it reflects your true identity=) Have a wonderful and joyful moment. God bless you and love yah Kunji Buddy! Without you I will not have a Kunji for a friend! akakak!xP MUAKZZZZZ!!!!!