Went for a double date today. With my old girlfriends and with my bestie. Its a group date actually. Reached the train station around 2pm like that and waited for Christine and Thipa. Nicole came next with Jamie after that. Exchanging news and stuff like that. Yea of cause we talk bout PMR results la=p and later Christine came with a BIG group of people, Thipa, Felory, and Thipa's sis=) Didn't expect to see Felory also its like 2 years PLUS we didn't meet each others and all of us were so huggish when we met. Christine was like, "Whoa! Lynn is a hot chick today! What to do? My date wad!" bought our tickets and waited for the train.
The train was super quiet before we come along when we step in the train we are like the MAJOR noise maker.\=X As usual I am the AMPLIFIER there with Thipa's non stop blabbering mouth our conversation is going on and on till we reached Subang where we hadda take our bus to Sunway. On our way to Sunway we were still chatting and laughing SO LOUDY that the people in the bus kept shooing us and Thipa told them "Shoo yourselves instead!"0o! Since when Thipa is that cheeky ah!? I can't remember what we talked about cause we kept talking and talking for hours! Even when we reached Sunway we haven finish talking and laughing yet!
Christine hadda remind us that we are in public to avoid us from humiliating ourselves. We are back to our normal gang condition where we used to crap and laugh so loud that people who pass by us gave us the stare!xP
The first place we went is the photoshop where we camwhored there. Chris is my date of the day so we went and took pictures together only both of us while Felory, Thipa and Nicole went to other photo machine to take their group picture.
Later we took our group picture together in another machine and its so hard to estimate how many people to take the pictures and stuff like that but the decoration part rawks! I dyed my hair green and blond and I looked great!xP
The pictures I'll uploads later..
kinda tired after coming back from Steph aunt's house for Bachelor's Night. Drank beer and now I get why my uncles love beer so much! It tasted a bit like shandy and I admit that I kinda like it..