Woke up this morning with a dreading heart...my heart is beating thrice faster I can feel it...I feel so cold! Even outside the aircond room I feel cold. I feel dizzy and terrified=/ My head is aching like nothing. For the first time I feel like crap I mean a total crap! I can't even stand or walk properly. I receive some messages from Kiki something bout Happy New Year and I...and I was like its no more happy for now! Walked to my parents room to brush my teeth and get ready. I did everything so ever slowly cause I don't want the time to pass fast and I don't wanna step in school.
Kept telling myself to calm down. Silently I pray...on the way to school I am busy asking the Lord to be with me=p I finally reached the school around 11 plus. My dad wished me all the best and stuff like that and I know he will be waiting for me and supporting me outside the school compound. Cause he knew I will be nervous if he's with me. Thanks dad tho you always shout at me but thanks for all those shoutings^^ Met Teressa and she looked nervous...I didn't get the feeling of being excited when I see her like I usually do probably because I am nervous. Exchanging wishes and went and take our results together..
I thought we have to go to our class to take our results from our class teacher buthen we hadda go to the canteen to take it. Looking at the people around me some getting excited after getting their results some standing there nervous and some parents were there supporting their child. The air is filled with all kinds of emotions. Inside me I am still doing a little prayer while waiting for my turn to get my results. Seen my classmates getting theirs and cry after that. Tears of joy, fear and sadness is seen in that place. Shed a few tears when I am waiting for my turn. Kiki reached before me so she got hers first.
Then finally its my turn..Steph is there with me=) Ally and Kiki too oh ya! Teressa too! She got hers ready and she did really well=p I don't dare to look at my results so I look away..took a deep breath and look at my results...and below are results..

I am speechless after that. My dream actually came true! I got what I wish for and my 2006 goals! Yea..I did dreamt bout my results same thing but I didn't wanna tell anybody cause I know if I tell others then the dream won't come true=D Steph gave me words of encouragement and Ally and Teressa....Kiki kept quiet cuz she don't know what to say but she support me in her own ways=D Thanks guyz! That is why I love you so much=ppp
I am so thankful! So so thankful after that! If I didn't get the A's I want so badly...I don't know what will it be like now. My sister who wasn't there to support me but curse me will get her chance to attack me..mom won't be at my side any longer if I didn't get the A's. My ah yi will be throwing the looks at me and my grandparents will be disappointed cause they were all putting hopes on me.
Plus my 4th ah yi the one I so hate her since I was a baby the moment I see her I hated her like so MUCH will be so happy to see me with crap results. Now I show them that I am not the one to look down at=p
And the little bitchy sis of mine isn't happy at all! She was cursing me now I mean NOW! Serious! She don't like all the attention people gave me and those treats I get now. When I told my brother my dad allow me to go for a vacation with Steph next week she gave me the look the jealousy looks and walked away. She only ask for my results when I come back and I can see the disappointed looks written on her damn fat face when I told her I did super well with those "cemerlang" in my slip=D My dad is proud of me=p My mom is so happy for me I am like the hero of the year=)
My parents promise me a digital camera mom buying me more outfit and my aunt brought me to Secret Recipe for a mega treat! My grandma and my kuku bought me a necklace and I got to choose them=D Wanted the key necklace but my aunt say can't cause I am still young she say when I turn 21st only she will buy me one=D
First thing that occur to me after I got my results is my parents. I really wanted to tell my mom what I get and she's the 2nd after my dad to know what I got. Then I visit my grandparents cause my dad wanted to tell them what I got=.=" He was like...tell kuku di or not? FAster call mommy...Aziz lerh? Hahaha! My grandma was like so so happy when I show her my slip*grin* yea everybody is happy for me except for my sis la! Nevermind I never treat her like my sis anyway=) My brother with his usual expression hahaha!
Mei Er called from New Zealand and the number was 0000-.-" I thought who's that wrong number from outerspace or something!xP Well my mom say I deserve it...and I think I do=p lalalala!
Yesterday was like hell to me..and this morning. Now I am floating! Weee!
Going to Steph aunt's house tonight=pp Yeah!!! weeee! All my family is going actually!
And I really appreciate my friends for being with me today Teressa,Ally, Ash, Kiki and of cause my BESTIE! Steph you are always the best!xP