Sooooooo long din blog ready=p I seriously miss blogging a lot and on9! Couldn't on9 for weeks due to some problem with the stooopid idiotic line! There's sooooo much to blog for weeks but I couldn't do so! Well, I'll blog every single important even one by one later=D Well, today I go and get my computer after it got repaired. Currently I am busy planning for my 2Sukses class party=) Loads to do and I am gonna start working this coming Monday=p
Humairah's birthday coming and I haven finish making her present. Can't afford to buy her a present since I am dead broke now! Dad finish painting my room today=) He woke up at 6am just to paint my room! Thanks a lot dad! Now my room look so much nicer and neater and not forgetting CLEANER!!! All my junk is cleared yesterday and GOSH! I got a lot of scolding from my parents due to my lazyness!*grin* Been shouted at yesterday=ppp
Went for my art lesson today and my sir asked us to draw a bear=) He placed a bear two actually(one Garfield and another doggie) on the chair and I thought it was for decoration but I got him wrong he asked us to draw what we see about the bear. I was like WTH man! I can't even draw a proper apple and now he's asking us to draw that bloody bears! I suck at drawing and I knew my bear will turn out to be a disaster but he said "Just draw what you see and don't worry if it turn out to be a real disaster" Knew he's referring us me!xP Oh well..I started to draw I glues my eye to the bear and start drawing and guess what? When I look down at my drawing it doesn't look that horrible and I seriously look cute! Hey I am not bragging now kay! Its true that I drew the dog quite perfectly..I gave myself an A for that drawing!xD He taught me how to sketch and yada yada..I am the one who finish my work first and my work was the best today compare to the previous week which turn out to be a total shitty!xP I did everything myself(well, my sir helped me a bit with the sketching)
We had pizza for supper=p Yum! Pepperoni flavour=ppp Double yum! Came back home and showed my mom my drawing and know what she said?
Mom : So nice! Your sir drew it?
Me : No! Of cause not! I knew you won't believe me if I tell you I did these myself=p Don't believe ask Baby(my sis)
Hah!!!!!!!!!! She believe me now tho! Can't stop smiling when I think of my drawing=p Gonna show Joe and Steph my drawing!=ppp Now what...Oh ya! Its maple time!