Lets talk bout yesterday k? LOL! Can't seems to use the internet for a few days so I am glued to the idiot box for hours=) Well looks like the line is back and I can blog whenever I want to=D ahhh! Niways yesterday I am suppose to go JJ with Kiki, Vhina and a few others la but Steph can't go cuz no transport(say earlier ma!) while Sonia can't go cuz mom dun let...its raining heavy shit so we decided to cancel our plan*disappointed* *sigh* *sigh* nothing left to do so..watch TV lorh! Mom borrowed some Korean drama series this past few days=) I've finish watching "My Girl" and I am loving it! Currently addicted to "Princess Hour". I watched telly for the wholke day yesterday. I woke up around 12.45pm after receiving Vhina's msg bugging me to reply her msgxP Then get ready to go JJ but since its raining so I stayed at home=p From 1.30pm till 6am I've been watching telly...every 4hrs break=) Cool huh? I love this kinda love! Ntg to think bout just watch TELLY! hahaha!!!
Now lets talk bout TODAY!=p Its not dat hazy today and everything is fine in school=) Played pranks on CRITICAL=ppp We hid her bag under some tables and leave her roaming around the hall finding for her bagxP wakakaka! Her face was like sop panic like that and she's asking around but nobody give a DAMN! Then I came out with a BRILLIANT idea=D muahahaha! So Steph, Audrey and I told Critical this:
Me : Who wanna tell her ah? Steph u her classmate right? Tell her!
Steph : Ok la! Ok la! Hey guess what!? Good news for you!
Me :*grin*
Audrey :*grin*
Critical : *smiles* What?
Steph : Two guys in my tuition like you wei! Wooo hooo!
Me : Ya! Who ah? Sanjay and?
Steph : Puravi!
Critical :*perasaanted* Really!? Yerrr!!!
I bet she is super happy after listening that! That slut! Niways....after we left my class I am like "Kritika and Sanjay and Puravi sitting on the tree! K.I.S.S.I.N.G!
Watch out CRITICAL! Its time for REVENGE! You are so sticky to us and try to ruin our friendship and split us now we are SPLITTIG YOU!!! Muahahaha! First target, still working on it=p
Thinking of some pranks to play on the MAJOR S.L.U.T! Hrm...! I'll crack my head thinking bout it later=D Did some paintings in school with Kiki today=) I painted Kumu Kumu aka SEXY BACK! Its so sexy with its blue face! I gave Kiki my paintings=P I must admit it that I am talented in these stuff*shiok sendiri* Kiki said it was ugly so I said I teaR it for her la if its that ugly!=p Buthen she stop me from tearing it! Hah!! Somebody say not nice wor! Somemore wanna keep that painting! LOL! Oh yeah! Kiki drew Kumu Kumu aka Sexy Back for me! Its a BRILL drawing! I treasure it with my life! LOL! EEESSSHHHH! Can't seems to scan the picture la! Waaaaaa!='( Nvm! I am going Kiki's house after school tomorrow=D *grin* I'll ask her to scan then I'll show it off here=p
Ahhhh! can edi!

What u guys think bout it? Cute right!? We name it Sexy Back Cuz we like the song=p and Its shell is SEXY! Don't u think so?xP Kena marah from LOADS of teachers today! Stoopid Sarbiah was darn MENGADA-fied la! As usual la! I can't imagine how her husband can fall for her!
Its like Christmas now! I am listening to Silent Night Hols Night, korean version=)
Audrey is being HORNY now! Wahsei man! Kinasai! LOL! Trying to flirt with me la now! Ekekek! GREAT!!! Kiki is being menyampah now!>=( Gonna play pranks on her tomorrow!=P Weeeeeee!!!