Guess what people!?!?!
wait...before I spill the beanz....letz give MGS a round applause..and three cheers=D
Well...WE GOT INTO THE FINALS!!! yeah!!!!! ahahah! Although we only practise it last minute but we were great on stage!xP Go MGS!!! Well...we will be competing against Convent(dey got through the finals too), some other skulz which I can't remember the names of da skul..
Itz so sad tho..cuz Kemuning skul isn't qualified for da finals. To be honest dey r real good man! The girl and the lil cute boy both of dem were brilliant on stage! The lil cute boy made the play so ever interesting..I still dun get the Bukit Tinggi skul drama tho..dey start singing the "I feel good" song(da ntv7 song last time) and therez something inside la..dey end da play lamely and start it lamely..the play was like meaningless! Walaoeh! I dun no how the judge qualify dem to the finals when dey did so ever badly!=/ The Kemuning skul actually practise so hard for dat competition and dey also use their money to practise in a studio! And they sad rite...
ACS on the other hand is super good(like wud I post in my previous post) but..dey didn't get to go into the sad! I will not get a chance to see how hilarious is the play and how good are those actors!=(
some pics I took...

Its me and Steph in da morning greeting each other b4 we depart;)

frm the left...Durga, Me, Sonia, Aishah and Kasturi=p we look damn cool in dat pic tho we are waiting for the result of the winnersxP
Taaaa daaaa! Here I present the DRAMA GROUPIES!!!!

Its us frm the drama group again=p

Its us again=/ Wanna see a better pic of us?xP

Wooo hoooo!!!!! WE RAWK!!!!

Its the siawted ones!! Present Banu Rekaa, Mimaa, Kayel, Natasha, Vidya and another one I dun no her name=.="

The adorable and innocent ones! I present...Sonia, Vinnie, Durga and I=)

Sonia and I=p dun no wud da heck are we doing=X

Aishah and Durga..awwww! such a lovely touching pic...xD

frm da left...dun no dat gurl name..da girl in red...Vidya da great!

Itz Mimaa and Banu Rekaa! Banu looked tired in dat pic..xP why? God knowz..

On our way back to our beloved school...our home with our family waiting for us=P

Its the crew and us!=)))

one of da crew..xP

Freebies anybodee?!?!


the crowd!!!

stuffz I've won after answering all those crap...xP
Well...we caught the crew while we were waiting for our parents to fetch us frm skul..and they were asking us ques n all those stuff larh! I din get dat tee tho..a guy got itxP Those ppl who miss the crew dun worry dey will be back again! And next time Rudy n JJ will come along with dem! Today it seems dat both siaw ones can't make it cuz dey r busy..such disappointment.. Niway...I'll end my post today...with tiz..

Boo yah!