The whether is so hot today!!
Finally I am back home!=D Mom dragged us to the temple this morning=__="
Yesterday we came back very late from the parade...and my poor dog thought we abandon him at home again..poor thing! When we reached home last night, he was super excited to see us back home again! Jumping at us like he didn't see us for don't know how long..xP
Well, first thing first...
David Archuleta fever..GAHHHHH!!

SEE!!! He sings from the heart!! Unlike the other David..I like the Davids voice...
David Archuleta is more to ballad..while David Cook is more to rock
Though ballad is not my cup of tea..but I must say, since I listen to David Archuleta singing everyweek I began to like ballad^^ He sang "With You" last week and well, I used to hate that stupid song so much...but somehow, I began to like it since I heard David Archuleta pick the song=)The reason I adore David Archuleta and not David Cook its because HE IS SINCERE! Forget bout his looks. Even if he doesn't have the looks I'll still like him for his sincerity!=D I didn't really notice David Cook to tell you the truth..xP When I first watch American idol which is when Danny the gay is still in I didn't realise there's another David in the competition till somewhere in the top 4 only I notice Cook..xP
Archuleta has the charisma but Cook has..erm..his guitar?xP
Arrogant, cocky, bloody conceited David Cook!!
Really, if he's not that arrogant I might as well like him..
Yes he can sing..but so what!?
David Archuleta can sing well too!!

So what!? But he's not as sincere as David Archuleta!!!