Bran and Davy came over to my place today and we baked cookies and oreo cheese cake!=p Sarlini couldn't make it since she is down with a high fever. Bran came around 1pm while Davy had to walk to my place since her bro did something to her bike's tyre. We started baking chocolate chips cookies. We finished baking 8 bottles of chocolate chips cookies and we still have time to bake cheese cake so with my mom's help, we baked oreo cheese cake!^^ The chocolate chips cookies was really addictive so we couldn't refrain ourselves from eating them..xP We had caramel yogurt with ice creams for tea=D
Bran and I were having political talks while we were baking. The tv was on since my dad wanted to listen to the news. The reporters were interviewing our Prime Minister(you guys should know who he is) and they asked him to give his point of view on the results of the election. He said something rather shocking which I don't expect from a Prime Minister since I expected him to say something motivating or positive when others asked him about the results. Guess what he said? "Dah kalah, kalah-lah" when the reporters were interviewing him and my dad and I was like...o.O" Basically we were having a lot of political talks today. When Davy came we did have another political talks but its nothing about our country but its more to school politics=___=
My cousins will be back from Aussie today!!=D But I ain't excited to meet them up again=/ Bran went back around 5pm so Davy and I discuss further about our IU Day. We couldn't come out with any rhythm yet so we thought of browsing through Youtube for inspirations. Well, we did find some inspirations and now its up to me to divide the members for that. I bet most of you don't understand what am I blabbering about here eh? You'll see it during our school's IU Day*winks*
I'll be spending most of my time with my girlfriends this week and the interactors from my school. I have my Chemistry,Physics and History test to study for. Yes I know my monthly test just ended the other day but I have another test coming up for me. And my school add math homework to do! And I'll be bringing our oreo cheese cake to school for Bran to try..she went back early so she didn't get her chance to eat our delicious yummylicious oreo cheese cake with Davy and I=D Drooling now?x)
Gotta get my work done for now..
Signing off..
♥The Blogger♥
♥Wen Lynn
♥15th September 1991
♥My say♥
♥ Everyone is welcome here,
♥ Please leave if you don't like the content,
♥ Piece of advice is well accepted,
♥ But NO HARRASSING mind you!!
♥ My posts are my thoughts,
♥ Accept me for who I am^^
♥ Loves God
♥ Loves reading,
♥ David Archuleta obsession!!
♥ I choose how I wanna live,
♥ I know myself and my interest,
♥ Always eager to learn,
♥ A feminist,
♥ Stubborn by nature,
♥ Defiant,
♥ Not good with speeches/words,
♥ Detest control freaks,
♥ Music as her best companion,
♥ Ice-creams makes me HAPPY!!!=D
♥ Reading is a therapy for me,
♥ A blogger since teenage
♥My Tweets♥
♥Believes In♥
♥ Existence of God
♥ She's her own judge
♥ She's her own worse enemy
♥ Individuality
♥ Acceptance
♥ Self Value
♥ Women's rights
♥ Children rights
♥ Her true self
--> PIGS!!!
--> Control freaks,
--> Ignorant selfish people,
--> Liars,
--> Trashes of society,
--> Pretenders,
--> People with no self value/dignity
♥ To reach out to people who are in need,
♥ To be a better person,
♥ To achieve my personal goals in life,
♥ People to care about the unfortunate,
♥ Acceptance among society,