Friday, February 08, 2008 / 9:45 AM
Yesterday I had family reunion at my grandparents place. My cousins came late for the reunion so I hadda eat my dinner with my uncle and my grandparents and my lil cousins. Reunion was veeeerrryyy quiet and super boring! Chai Heng, as usual is the popular ones among kids so his companions for the night was the kids^^

Anyway, very lazy to elaborate everything, this is a short post before I get myself ready to go for visiting again!! Just came back from Chris's place not long ago without my siblings with me. They stayed back so I came back home with my parents..




This is what my grandpa had for dinner. He must watch what he's eating..


Vain Chai doesn't want his pic to be taken when hez eating

Somehow, I managed to snap a retard pic of him=p

Then he arm wrestled with Mark=.=



Chai Heng aka Cacing, kid's magnet!=D

Seriously, Chinese New Year is SOOOOO BORING!!!!
Usually, the first day will be seriously boring!
Except for the food and ang paos!xD
Even Deepavali and Christmas is way better then this celebration!
I get lesser ang pao's this time(well, I'll receive more later)
The weather is super frigging hot on the first day of New Year!
I can't wait to meet Jade!!

Will be back tonight!=)

Note : Up next, I'll post about the HUGE transformation among my cousins^^ Well, some went through a HUGE transformation!xD
♥The Blogger♥

♥Wen Lynn
♥15th September 1991

♥My say♥

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♥ Stubborn by nature,
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♥ She's her own worse enemy
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♥ Children rights
♥ Her true self



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--> Pretenders,
--> People with no self value/dignity

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Inspiration / Martha Stewart.