I gotta learn to call Jia Hui jie jie instead of kor kor from now on. So dudes, PLEASE stop me form calling Jia Hui kor kor. I might find it awkward to call HER jie jie but still, SHE IS A GIRL! I have to bear that in mind!
Anyways, tomorrow we will have our last PMD session. I officially label PMD as "Pergi Mati Dulu" instead of "Program Maju Diri". The whole program bores me to tears!! I got restless sitting in the halls listening to talks and the blaring microphone!! Its so annoying when the dumb microphone went wrong as it'll produce some irritating noise!!!! Every year we do the same thing, answers the same questions given by our teachers!!! Today however we did something different. We had to come out with a sketch about interviews what to do during and interview and what not to do. Davy's class managed to deal with Miss See and they don't have to do that sketch! ISK! UNFAIR BETUL!!!
I just wanna apologise to that particular someone for being so ignorant about whats been happening to that particular person. I should have notice it earlier but why did I ignore it!? Just wanna tell you that if you need me just give me a call. And Ally, don't worry much about that thing yea? As time pass, you'll forget what went wrong. Just occupy yourself for now. So sorry if I can't be there for you. My phone is on 24/7 so you can ring me anytime.
Some people are so not worth crying over. Worthless piece of crap or rubbish they are. So just ignore them. There are better things in the world. So dump that crap and enjoy your life to the fullest!=)
Take care and God bless!!^^
Signing off..