That photograph above is my SUPER BELATED BIRTHDAY gift from Jia Hui kor kor which consists of 16 lollies(the green thing shez collecting), my favourite chocolate(CRUNCHIE!) and amy belover Stitch!!!=) Don't waste your time figuring out why is there only a few lollies when I mentioned there are 16 of them in the box since I've distributed some to my friends when I receive the gift.xD Lmao! After all, sharing is caring!^^
Neways, yesterday was my last day of school and its report card day. Well, normal stuff from my teacher. I have to put in more effort in some subjects and improvise some too. Its better than my mid results but I'm still disappointed with what I've got but there's no point crying over spilt milk. I have to cut down a lot on my school activities next year and drift my attention to the important stuff. After all, I have a BIG EXAMINATION to sit for next year and well that means more effort have to put into the subjects I planned to take. I didn't really like to talk about all these here but I bet some of them will be wondering so to keep you guys from wondering I'll post it here=) So don't ask me further bout it. Its a BORING subject to discuss on. Its weird, teacher didn't mention anything about me being the noisiest in the class this year as EVERY YEAR I'll receive the same comment from my class teachers mentioning that I'm the noisiest and the loudest in the class!=.=
Mom asked me if my teacher complaint about me being noisy or not and when I told her nope, she said the same thing to my dad she was like, "Really ah!? I'm surprised that she didn't mention anything about you being so talkative and noisy." My sis gave me a notebook!^^ Its a nice one and she got it from the school for winning some competition. Something to do with her port folio and I was asked to help her to design the front cover for her most of the time! Yes, I do grumble when mom asked me to help her with it but well, she gave me the notebook I really want when I told her I love that notebook. She received two and I spot the red one first(another one I'm drooling over when I first saw it). She told me there's a better one and she showed me:
The inside of the notebook.. When I told her I love that book she said I can have it if I want it!=) Heeee! She can be a pest at times, but well not all the time(I'm not complimenting her cause she gave me the notebook I want) cause she does give me little stuff at times. She's a pest when she started screaming and shouting at home at the wrong time. We always ARGUE over most of the things but that's what siblings always do right!? Life at home will be dull if you do not have anybody to be mad at or argue with!*grins*
And this, is from my aunt! Another notebook which I drool over. Haven't start writing in it but I'll use it as my 9th or 10th journal.
I'd stopped giving Jia Hui my silent treatment. I think she realised what she did wrong. I know Jas was the one who asked her to apologised to me and I know Jia Hui was afraid to come up to me to apoligised but as long as she realised and stop doing such things she deserved a second chance=p
I'm still wondering how come Jia Hui know we are giving her a silent treatment when she shouldn't be noticing us ignoring her. After all, we are all busy with our own stuff in school and she will not notice anything unless someone told her we are giving her the silent treatment she deserved.
Something just occur in me yesterday when I received news from Rubini about some guy. Ok, the thing about most guys is they are just so unpredictable. Like the other day I chatted with this guy who told me I looked 13 and next he told me he's not complimenting me. Next, he start with his sweet talks with me which I started to get suspicious about him. Of course I didn't fall for all his words but I can't help but wonder why these people bother to show their egoness girls when next they started to go so sweet towards them. But I found it really funny and weird? I DO LOOK 13 though I'm 16th! But do I care? NO!! So what if I look younger than my age, its something for me to be proud of and most people laughed at me for looking too young for my age(you know who you are). If I don't learn to love myself for who I am, I'm definitely don't love the one who create me. I don't get why some people just wanna look mature and dress up like a grown up when they are just a teenage.
Ok, I'm drifting to the other subject now back to what I am talking about. Then I remembered attending this home tuition and I got selected as the "class monitor". Lol! So much for being the loudest and the talkative one in the class. Being a monitor I'll get beating IF THE CLASS IS NOT UNDER CONTROL! So you can gues the amount of times I received beatings from my tuition teacher(neway, the teacher is a mad fella who always get stressed up over something small). At times I got beatings for what I didn't do but what I got blamed for! Which is teeth grittingly annoying! There's this bunch of guys there who LOVES putting me into hot soup by complaining to that bloody asshole mad teacher of mine that I am the one making so much of noise when THEY ARE THE FRIGGING ONE WHO INTERRUPT the whole lesson with their nonsense and noise! Ask Nicole, Thipa, Christine and Felory. These are my groupies who went through the same thing when we were in the same tuition last time. The girls will always got blamed for the little things they did. GIRLS always giggle among themselves. Those pathetic guys in my old tuition will start whining like a dog when we start giggling but when they started laughing like nobody buisness(you know how loud guys are when they are in a group) we are not to say anything about it.
That's is so against my policy of course. So most of the times I ended up arguing with them and I DO SPAT something harsh and true about them in front of their face. I just love looking at the sight of them being defeated! That's not my point anyway, but when guys want something from girls they will be darn sweet towards them. There's some who will be darn ego whenever there's girls around them. Showing off their so call "macho" self when inside them they are a real SOFTIE. I've came across this species of guy too and GAWD! All I can say about that fella is he wants attention from girls and didn't get any from me so he kept annoying me by doing things I dislike like pulling my hair and calling me names. Its childish I know but well, he's younger than me by one year so what do you expect eh? There's once I got so fed up with that bastard I just punch him on his stomach and whack him hard on his back. That's for being so annoying and showing off his ego-ness to me!
Ok, my point come SOME of the guys are just so jerky all the time!? They always make me suspicious about them from the way they talk to me. Lmao! Neways, most of them gave me such a bad impression most of the times. I'm a feminist and the world need more of such people!xP
NOTE : Some might find this offensive but I just have to say something about those guys out there! Being all ego will not help you to gain attention from girls, especially from my type of people. Treating girls like crap will not help you to be better than them cause some of them might not tolerate your jerky ways. Especially me, try me and you'll be in hot soup!>=)
I'm a feminist, so if you got a problem with it, just keep it to yourself!^^
Some girls might not like my post after reading this but I don't give a damn! Wanna bitch about me later, you can bitch all you want to but I'm just being for guys, most of them will be offended with this post and I don't give it a damn too!=) The world can do with sensible people and less jerky guys like some people! Some of the guys bring disgrace to their own gender. I'm not gonna touch anything political here cause I'm not allowed to!=X
Till then...
Labels: guys : friends : thoughts : family