Friday, February 16, 2007 / 10:50 PM
School is FUN FUN FUN!!!! Yesterday my school team won for the debate against STAJ and the debators were darn good! I just love looking at them debating and the STAJ school debators ain't good in some ways and Li Shia and I had a great time laughing our head off listening to what the third speaker trying to many grammatical error and his style is the worse among the rest! And Pn. Tong asked me to join Public Speaking competition!0.O! Gosh! I didn't try such thing before.I did debate....talking and acting in front of the crowd but acting is mostly bout fake and funny stuff but this time I hadda perform something serious ALONE in front of so many people! GAWD!And I think I've invited a number of my fellow friends to ma house next week...I kept inviting and I forget who I call at times for instance when I call Bee Teng and Natasha I was like cracking my head thinking who am I calling then I end up askin them.."Excuse me, who is on the line?" LOLZ! Wakakakaka! Had a good laugh at myself after that! I miss Steph! She's sick and didn't come to school today! And I miss Mei Er! She went for some competition and won and I didn't know it! LOLZ!Niwayz I will blog again later! Kinda busy now tho! I am so RESTLESS!