Sunday, January 14, 2007 / 5:23 PM
Feeling frustrated now! I always wanted a digital camera for myself...and I work so hard to get one. Showed my dad my results and he heard from my teachers how hard I work in class and how I behave. He said he's gonna buy me a digital camera if I do well and show him a good behaviour for a year and I did what he wants me to do and guess what!? He still don't want to buy me a bloody digital camera now! I got such good results for my trails and PMR examination last year and I waited for him to get me a nice digital camera! He even got a budget for that camera! I mean less than RM1000 and how can I get a nice digi cam with that kinda price! All the chun camera's cost RM1000 PLUS man!!!He can bring me around to survey the price during the school hols but he don't want to! All he does is give me LAME reason! I kept asking him to buy me one and he kept making EMPTY promises! And he expect me to talk to him nicely larh! He didn't want to listen and he even shout at me when I ask him for my gift and he also said he's gonna buy me decent clothes if I do well but guess what!? He gave me THE REASON again! I am soooo PISSED, FRUSTRATED and DISAPPOINTED with all his empty promises! No use believing in him...I am so not gonna believe my dad ever again! HE'S A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!THE WORSE LIAR THAT I KNW IN MY LIFE AND I AM SO GONNA KEEP THIS IN MY MIND FOREVER!!!!!!!