This is a special post for Shobana(one of my best mates). Its her birthday today and PHEW! Thank God again for helping me to save 10cents to msg her to wish her Happy Birthday today. I almost forgot to message her. If I didn't message her b4 I message Steph there 99% possibilities that I'll finish my credit before I msg Shobi. Niways Shobi is the youngest in my gang oh ya..not the YOUNGEST there's another prankster I know who is the youngest in the group. Not gonna mention who's that but her birthday is coming very soon! Niwayz Shobi is turning 15th!=D At last! Suppose to celebrate ther birthday today with the MSN gals buthen she's now here=( Sobz!
She's a WUNNERFUL friend, very soft spoken(unlike us super LOUD all the time), very super patient no wonder she can stand the slut who is trying to split me and my gangs all the time! Niways I believe that she's ain't that stupid to fall for her flirty style of attracting people to be her "friend"
Shobi...this is for you!

We have so much fun with you being the president last year(you first picture taken with Steph I guess)

Your first solo picture=p Love it!

Remember this? You look REAL auntish man!

Remember this? We are suppose to finish our NIE article but we camwhore instead. Nice having you in the group=D

Our first picture taken together(with the other group)We took it when we are cleaning the class last year=p

=.= Sweat-ness! Its you! LOLZ! We took it this year during the Teacher's Day event=p

Whoa! You can siiing!=p

Shobi as my "doc" and Steph as her "nurse"

Lastly our group picture of MSN gals(2006)
Have a blessed Birthday buddy! Can't wait to see you soon! Miss you loads!